Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On Dung


Youre walking in the forest, and you come across a piece of dung.

Now, Imagine again, the same situation, just that this piece of dung you come across has many, i mean, many small, white maggot like slugs crawling in and out of it. Ewww, i know, but to a laymen, that just probably means that piece of feces there has been there, for awhile at least. Time enough for them flies to sit and lay a couple...

Now, Imagine again.
Youre walking in the forest, the Tasmanian Forest to be exact, and you come across, not a piece of dung, but a Tasmanian Devil, in the midst of laying a dung. After its done, it looks at you, sniffs you for a sec and runs off into the bush.

You examine the dung (15 seconds after its laid), and see white maggot like slugs crawling on, in then out of that piece of freshly laid dung...


my expression was precisely that. These animals eat partially rotten meat. Mice, Rabbit, Wallaby, Kangaroo road kills, and in the process, ingested maggot eggs and other various types of necro-worms. It goes into its (Tasmanian Devils) stomach, and comes out the other end- Hatched and ready to squirm.

I had the priviledge to see this all, in the Tasmanian National WildLife parks.

So, Ben, this was the thing i wanted to tell you. That satchet of Tasmanian Dung hanging on your room door... and i have to say this...



Blogger benlim said...

lol niaseng..

careful for it might be in ur drink during ur next visit =)

12:03 PM  

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