Pornography and Rape
Pornography has long been stigmatised as the leading cause of sexual crimes, yet empirical studies done in Denmark, Sweden, China, West Germany, United States, Japan and some other countries I cant recall at the moment, said otherwise.
There are other possible and plausible reasons as to why the results are "inconclusive" which I shall try to not delve into because its quite complicated (and geopgraphical/culturally sensitive). These things are proper enforcement (specialised units that investigate crimes like these) may lead to a deviation in statistics and results.
But the main issue still stands, making pornography and prostitution available showed a decrease or the "levelling-out" in the regions affected.
Heres my take, but to put things into perspective theres alot of background as to how i have reached my conclusion.
Sex had always been (I usually refrain from superlatives but really,) ALWAYS been a part of, if not THE integral part of the survival of a species.
I am a Darwin-nian, who believes in survival of the fittest and the theory of evolution". According to this belief, only successful species can continue to propagate.
The line of propagation is stipulated by rules of, which is the strongest intra-species shall inherit the right to seed their superior genes into the future.
A healthy lion, who can command an entire pride is allowed to mate with the lionesses he so chooses. A dethroned alpha-lion will have it's cubs killed by the successor, because the genes seeded in the cubs are from an inferior breed. So only the biggest, meanest kitty will survive.
This example, although is not entirely identical to other animal species in this world, is prima facie the underlying pattern for the concept of "survival of the fittest" animal.
I say "animal" because in my book, the species of man is not entirely an animal. I say not "entirely" because we have our roots embedded in primitive-animalian-origins.
To prove a point, we are the masters of this planet because our ancestors "evolved" to be the best. And how we got here, was because our primitive fore-fathers were powerful enough to pimp our fore-mothers.
If a weak-intra-homo-sapien-species had allowed his genes to be carried forward, it would have failed the test of time and we, would not be here today.
Now jump forward 20 million or so years, we are here today.
Any successfull man today, would have no problems "propagating" his genes. And successful man usually (<--see i dont use superlatives) finds a successful female.
Definition of "successful man" in todays context is not "who can kill the biggest mammoth" but who has financial stability (capitalist world), good looking (vanity culture), healthy (always a part of survival) and finally, but not-exhaustive of the category, "has-a-pleasant-personality".
The same goes for "successfull women" (although in modern culture today financial stability is not so much a primary trait, but dont get me wrong, human cultural-pattern is so fucked up it could be anything).
So anyway, where was I, oh yes.
Successful man + successful woman + ??? = profit
Profit meaning survival of our species. We are all so familiar with the saying "dont contaminate the gene pool". damn why didnt i think about this earlier, wouldve made explaining this so much easier.
Now... back on topic, pornography.
Because in society now, with so many criterias to meet, as opposed to killing the biggest mammoth, man has got so much to prove to be the "intra-species alpha". (see definition - successful man)
It is no surprise that some of our fellow species bretheren had failed one or two criterias. He may be loaded, kind hearted and so and forth, but has the face of a baboons back-end, this intra-species example then wouldve failed a major criteria (for the shallow women out there) and would have, in a greater sense, failed as a deserving species to propagate.
thats still a qualified example, for prima-facie cases- its a man who has absolutely failed today's natural-selection criteria. Where there are no desireable attributes.
For example, a man who is forever in debt due to his own mis-strategies, a man who is but ugly, a man who is violent and a chauvenist (spelling cbf), unintelligent and is was born with a limp.
note: why are women so turned off by impotent man? it is their primevial instincts to not carry the genes of an intra-species who cannot propagate. as opposed to "no-action in bed".
anyway, read a few paras up, Why is this man so buttugly? it is because his father or mother, or through some unfortunate accident has left him like this.
Now we look back at the examples i cited earlier. This is where the successor alpha-lion did not kill off the dethroned king's cubs. And had allowed an inferior species to take the next line down. Or, an alpha-male who stepped on a bear-trap, err lion-trap and has been maimed permanently. Either way, if we strictly abide to the lion-rule book, this man-pride's lineage (by nature's law) should have ended.
But because of humanitarian laws etc etc, we cant just put all of our sick dogs to rest. Hence there is a "human" element that is "not natural" that had allowed an inferior species to have a chance to dominate, continuing a flawed attribute.
By natural rule, inferior men, cannot propagate. But they are still bound by the natural sexual urges.
This is where pronography comes in, they can shoot-blanks at the monitor screen, without harming the gene pool. problem solved.
Now, lets take away pornography.
bound by the two laws
1. Natural urge to ensure the survival of species via propagation
which leads to
2. Sexual urges.
The two laws will act full force on a man's instinctual psyche. leading to rape.
Definition of rape: look up dictionary, but basically it means refusal to copitulate (cbf spelling) by one partner, usually the female.
At least with pornography the 2nd criteria can be met. it is proven that once a man ejaculates, the whatever hormones in the body (i think its testosterone) count will reduce. temporarily stifling the 2nd rule, which at least can lead to a reduction of violent sexual crimes.
(note: if the man has good imagination, he can envisualize porn, therefore he can relieve himself with ease without porno, which is good!)
I wrote so much i cant remember the point im tryin to make.
oh yes, prostitution. Prostitution can solve most of the problems above. since man are inherently instinctual and cannot differentiate actual propagation and pseudo propagation.
The act of sex with a woman to them is fulfilling the 1st law. thank technology for contraception where their failed genes (i say failed because if they are 'successful men' they would not need to go to a prostitute) does not "contaminate the gene pool".
It seems i have addressed this issue with a primarily male perspective.
Lets go women for a while.
Prostitutes, i mean the female ones, due to the current capitalist trend where money rules supreme, and also the constant repression of the female-gender, some women either succumb to the pressure and voluntarily become the men's sexual punching bag,
or they go against the repression by trying to prove themselves worthy of the male dominated capitalist realm by earning big bucks. it is noble and worth a kudos for women like that, but some unfortunately fall into the "good idea, stupid execution" model, where they prostitute themselves off to get that extra dough.
Men who go to prostitutes, and prostitutes themselves are failed examples of the human species.
Eitherway contraception is good when practicing pseudo-propagation because BOTH failed man and failed woman dont get their lineage continued.
again id like to highlight the equations discussed
-successful man + successful woman = natural selection = survival of the fittest
-successful man does not need pseudo-propagation; they naturally get to mate
-successful woman does not need to resort to satisfying fail man to be successful
again, succesful woman can get successful man to ensure survival of species (best chances)
-fail man resort to fail woman (prostitute) to satisfy law 1 and 2 but does not contaminate the gene pool with failsauce.
-fail man can resort to pornography to satisfy law 2 to reduce urges for law 1, hence reducing rape and stops gene pool being dipped in fail sauce as well.
-Pornography is an act of pseudo-propagation, where two concenting adults are filmed to satisfy fail man, at the same time earning a buck to fulfil a criteria of being "succcessful". since they are concenting, it is not rape.
In conclusion:
The law of natural selection stipulates, If no one wants to mate with a man or a woman, that is probably because they are failed speciments.
There are other possible and plausible reasons as to why the results are "inconclusive" which I shall try to not delve into because its quite complicated (and geopgraphical/culturally sensitive). These things are proper enforcement (specialised units that investigate crimes like these) may lead to a deviation in statistics and results.
But the main issue still stands, making pornography and prostitution available showed a decrease or the "levelling-out" in the regions affected.
Heres my take, but to put things into perspective theres alot of background as to how i have reached my conclusion.
Sex had always been (I usually refrain from superlatives but really,) ALWAYS been a part of, if not THE integral part of the survival of a species.
I am a Darwin-nian, who believes in survival of the fittest and the theory of evolution". According to this belief, only successful species can continue to propagate.
The line of propagation is stipulated by rules of, which is the strongest intra-species shall inherit the right to seed their superior genes into the future.
A healthy lion, who can command an entire pride is allowed to mate with the lionesses he so chooses. A dethroned alpha-lion will have it's cubs killed by the successor, because the genes seeded in the cubs are from an inferior breed. So only the biggest, meanest kitty will survive.
This example, although is not entirely identical to other animal species in this world, is prima facie the underlying pattern for the concept of "survival of the fittest" animal.
I say "animal" because in my book, the species of man is not entirely an animal. I say not "entirely" because we have our roots embedded in primitive-animalian-origins.
To prove a point, we are the masters of this planet because our ancestors "evolved" to be the best. And how we got here, was because our primitive fore-fathers were powerful enough to pimp our fore-mothers.
If a weak-intra-homo-sapien-species had allowed his genes to be carried forward, it would have failed the test of time and we, would not be here today.
Now jump forward 20 million or so years, we are here today.
Any successfull man today, would have no problems "propagating" his genes. And successful man usually (<--see i dont use superlatives) finds a successful female.
Definition of "successful man" in todays context is not "who can kill the biggest mammoth" but who has financial stability (capitalist world), good looking (vanity culture), healthy (always a part of survival) and finally, but not-exhaustive of the category, "has-a-pleasant-personality".
The same goes for "successfull women" (although in modern culture today financial stability is not so much a primary trait, but dont get me wrong, human cultural-pattern is so fucked up it could be anything).
So anyway, where was I, oh yes.
Successful man + successful woman + ??? = profit
Profit meaning survival of our species. We are all so familiar with the saying "dont contaminate the gene pool". damn why didnt i think about this earlier, wouldve made explaining this so much easier.
Now... back on topic, pornography.
Because in society now, with so many criterias to meet, as opposed to killing the biggest mammoth, man has got so much to prove to be the "intra-species alpha". (see definition - successful man)
It is no surprise that some of our fellow species bretheren had failed one or two criterias. He may be loaded, kind hearted and so and forth, but has the face of a baboons back-end, this intra-species example then wouldve failed a major criteria (for the shallow women out there) and would have, in a greater sense, failed as a deserving species to propagate.
thats still a qualified example, for prima-facie cases- its a man who has absolutely failed today's natural-selection criteria. Where there are no desireable attributes.
For example, a man who is forever in debt due to his own mis-strategies, a man who is but ugly, a man who is violent and a chauvenist (spelling cbf), unintelligent and is was born with a limp.
note: why are women so turned off by impotent man? it is their primevial instincts to not carry the genes of an intra-species who cannot propagate. as opposed to "no-action in bed".
anyway, read a few paras up, Why is this man so buttugly? it is because his father or mother, or through some unfortunate accident has left him like this.
Now we look back at the examples i cited earlier. This is where the successor alpha-lion did not kill off the dethroned king's cubs. And had allowed an inferior species to take the next line down. Or, an alpha-male who stepped on a bear-trap, err lion-trap and has been maimed permanently. Either way, if we strictly abide to the lion-rule book, this man-pride's lineage (by nature's law) should have ended.
But because of humanitarian laws etc etc, we cant just put all of our sick dogs to rest. Hence there is a "human" element that is "not natural" that had allowed an inferior species to have a chance to dominate, continuing a flawed attribute.
By natural rule, inferior men, cannot propagate. But they are still bound by the natural sexual urges.
This is where pronography comes in, they can shoot-blanks at the monitor screen, without harming the gene pool. problem solved.
Now, lets take away pornography.
bound by the two laws
1. Natural urge to ensure the survival of species via propagation
which leads to
2. Sexual urges.
The two laws will act full force on a man's instinctual psyche. leading to rape.
Definition of rape: look up dictionary, but basically it means refusal to copitulate (cbf spelling) by one partner, usually the female.
At least with pornography the 2nd criteria can be met. it is proven that once a man ejaculates, the whatever hormones in the body (i think its testosterone) count will reduce. temporarily stifling the 2nd rule, which at least can lead to a reduction of violent sexual crimes.
(note: if the man has good imagination, he can envisualize porn, therefore he can relieve himself with ease without porno, which is good!)
I wrote so much i cant remember the point im tryin to make.
oh yes, prostitution. Prostitution can solve most of the problems above. since man are inherently instinctual and cannot differentiate actual propagation and pseudo propagation.
The act of sex with a woman to them is fulfilling the 1st law. thank technology for contraception where their failed genes (i say failed because if they are 'successful men' they would not need to go to a prostitute) does not "contaminate the gene pool".
It seems i have addressed this issue with a primarily male perspective.
Lets go women for a while.
Prostitutes, i mean the female ones, due to the current capitalist trend where money rules supreme, and also the constant repression of the female-gender, some women either succumb to the pressure and voluntarily become the men's sexual punching bag,
or they go against the repression by trying to prove themselves worthy of the male dominated capitalist realm by earning big bucks. it is noble and worth a kudos for women like that, but some unfortunately fall into the "good idea, stupid execution" model, where they prostitute themselves off to get that extra dough.
Men who go to prostitutes, and prostitutes themselves are failed examples of the human species.
Eitherway contraception is good when practicing pseudo-propagation because BOTH failed man and failed woman dont get their lineage continued.
again id like to highlight the equations discussed
-successful man + successful woman = natural selection = survival of the fittest
-successful man does not need pseudo-propagation; they naturally get to mate
-successful woman does not need to resort to satisfying fail man to be successful
again, succesful woman can get successful man to ensure survival of species (best chances)
-fail man resort to fail woman (prostitute) to satisfy law 1 and 2 but does not contaminate the gene pool with failsauce.
-fail man can resort to pornography to satisfy law 2 to reduce urges for law 1, hence reducing rape and stops gene pool being dipped in fail sauce as well.
-Pornography is an act of pseudo-propagation, where two concenting adults are filmed to satisfy fail man, at the same time earning a buck to fulfil a criteria of being "succcessful". since they are concenting, it is not rape.
In conclusion:
The law of natural selection stipulates, If no one wants to mate with a man or a woman, that is probably because they are failed speciments.
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