Saturday, June 13, 2009

Emptiness in Enrichment

Herein lays a man, without company, without friends.
His sorrow heard but not attended, his regret felt by some, but not amended.
Unsolicited words and voices inaugurated themselves, unremittingly in his resenting conscience.
Uninvited rites of passage imposed on his weary body, which holds his future in suspense.
Will he bear these wounds wrecked upon him in absolute silence?
Or should this man wail or cry with heaven-trembling violence?
Herein lays a soul, full of sin, full of woe.
Surrounded by others lost, not found, and many more whose allegiance among friend or foe-
Is not yet known.
Would one sing a song for it to finally repose it of its existence?
Or should you continue to be impartial, disinterestedly sit on that fence,
To watch in glee this wandering essence, persist in its itinerant journey to lands unmapped?
Or would you light a fire to aid the wanderer guide its own path?
Or would you deprive what was granted to you in Prometheus’ aftermath,
To know this drifting soul gropes with perils in the dark.


Anonymous moe said...

Wow, I like this, I really do.

"Herein lays a soul, full of sin, full of woe,
Surrounded by others lost, not found"

Did something happen? :O

9:34 AM  
Blogger Killl_Roy said...

No la, this post is a mirror to the one before, "Enrichment in Emptiness", where i drew the analogy of an empty coffee jar means that after long hours of heightened senses, one learns and is enlightened from conscious studying.

"Emptiness in Enrichment" is the opposite, where after learning via studying, the human mind (or soul) is so "enriched" to the point it reaches "critical mass" and collapses on itself.

The transition from ignorance to enlightenment affects different people in various ways. although i did not mention biblical accounts in that post, its sort of like Adam and Eve who were once ignorant, was kept in God's grace-Garden of Eden, but upon eating the "Fruit" which supposedly gives knowledge, they were cast away from divinity, to live away from divine light - and as Einstein said "the absence of light is darkness".

So, we university students and graduates, are we "enlightened"? if we are, did we achieve it by abandoning other aspects?

(pre-post script)- this is not to be read in a religious sense by all means lol, as you all know im by far a "religious" person.

By being enlightened, are we in another side of the coin - being stupid?

Eitherway, its something that came to me quite randomly, and it is very difficult to explain how i felt then lol, hence it was written in a vague-poetic manner, hoping that in so, achieve application in the most universal level among the people who had laid eyes on it.

nothing happened la, im fine, thanks ;)

1:22 PM  

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