Thursday, August 26, 2010


Read the newspapers every day. What do you see?

Words like "Kill, died, rape, murdered, kidnapped, riot, protest, poor, rob, steal, death, survive" surface in black ink on rustic paper.

Many years ago, these words were the same, now it still is.

No matter how many individuals band together and champion for "change" for the better, it always fails. There are always "people" in the world who will commit the same mistakes, and inflict the same suffering to others.

On a personal level, I look at myself. Ever since I have achieved sentience I am aware of my actions. I am aware of the actions of others. Always trying to impose change upon myself, I did all I could to make the world around me a better place.

But today, I am still the same man. I am still that bitter person wanting to exact revenge on those who cause suffering. Always wanting to make others realize what they are doing is unproductive and one day might add more of those terms to the paper.

But I fail on every turn.

Change, is an oxymoron. The more you try to change something, the more it is going to stay the same. If there is any change, it is that something getting worse. It is still change right?

"Is it bright where you are
And have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange
And in your darkest hour
My old secrets laid
We can watch the world devoured in its pain"

No, and Yes.

On a higher level, no matter how much faith you can put on someone, that that someone can change, you are lying to yourself, to that person and to the world.

Cheaters who cheat, will always cheat.
People who lie will always lie.
Thieves will always be thieves.
A murderer who "repented" has killed his own instincts. Either way he continues to murder.

US president Barrack Obama, in his campaigns said "Change". People fell in love with the IDEA. Alas, the idea itself did not change. Years after being elected, change, still remained as an IDEA.

He will not win the next election, and the entire nation will relapse back to its stage before his office.

Now take another step back and see the world.

For thousands of years, when this doomed species called man first appeared on the planet. It brought about many "changes". A land that was previously tranquil has its peace destroyed.

The days of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the world's earliest records (and hint) that the human race is inherently violent bend of self destruction.

But since humans are so resilient, they "change" the world so that they can stay the same. Violence, rape and all that is vice ran rampant on earth.

God came down from heaven and wiped these cities clean with fire and water. Noah was the last of his children, that he deemed pure. and his seeds will blossom into people like-minded and like-behaviored people.

How wrong was he.

Where is the purity of man? Has the forbidden apple cursed out species since its dawn? will this affliction last until the dusk of man?

Most argue yes, before the coming of the end days we humans shall bear the sins of our fathers.

I beg to ask the question: "Then what is the point of the human race?"

Where are we racing to? except our own destruction? The only "change" in this race is the ending where there is nothing but the brilliant stars that forged us and the empty void which holds these stars.

Why would god invent and create a species that he allegedly loves so much just to watch us kill one another?

Why wont he interfere? For millions of years the earth was a violent place. The passing of time "changed" the landscape into a more hospitable one. There was peace.

This is the only fleeting evidence in our earth's history that it was once tranquil. Then god has to come along and shit all over it, and put us humans here.

See the link? Turbulent birth and early life of Earth (violent) --> Turbulent birth of man on earth (violent)

What change? I ask.

If I had the choice to choose which lesser of the two evils Id rather have. Id choose the former, because the only way and the only time the world as we know it can change, is the day before it ends.

Every time some ancient prophecy said the world is going to end, I give them a thumbs up. That is for saluting his/her attempt to have faith that the world can change.

I really look forward to 2012. Where there is quite believable evidence that this time its is for real.

2012, dont be cock teaser. Bring it on, and do us all a favor.

2012, please change us.


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