Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Boycott Pasta

just watched a relatively boring game between Australia and Italy.... until the last 3 minutes..

there is no better word than "controversial" to describe the referee's verdict on the penalty shot, during the last 3 seconds of a would-be tied game. i think hes gonna get crucified as soon as he leaves the stadium.

watching the replay of the "offensive act" done by the Aussie player against the Italians, we all agreed that it was not to a degree where he would be given a penalty shot.

this really makes us question the efficiency of the referee system...technology has come a long way, and we now have the equipment and science to spot those "mistakes" footballers do. like replays for instance...why not have the "referee" see the replay, in all the differnt angles those cameras can provide, then pass whatever judgements they have come to..

technology can give us all a panoptic view of the entire football stadium... why not use it to the best interests of fairness and equality?

oh well...

just hope those pasta shops all around Lygon St wont suffer too much from the boycotts lol


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