Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fiery Review?

craqshed over at Eric's place alst weekend and we crtaved for a movie. so we went to a blockbuster movie rental store and nothing really grabbed our attention, but to cut a long story short we got "Reign of Fire" in the end.

Watched the movie for the second time after so many months since the first time ive watched it, and i must say, it is really quite good. not a 10/10 but definatly in the high side of the score board. but if memory serves me right i have read reviews in the past regardiing this movie and the did say it sucked. almost a 4/10. this reminds me of a few people i know which only one word can describe them when it comes to appreciating movies -cynical.

George Lucas's 3rd and final installment to his trilogy "Revenge of The Sith" was flammed bad in review forums, i went in the cinema with no exceptional expectations but i still came out satisfied.

and also a few other titles which in my spur of thoughts i cant recall

the fundamental thing is, some people expect too much from a movie (apart from being cynical), and by paying that 14$ for a ticket, they expect to see the world and beyond. why not go direct one yourself? or even better fund one. this comment however, does not apply to titles that are agreed by the entire world as a complete "waste of time" to watch. but even titles like "Land of the Dead" which i have informally "reviewed" a few posts back is worth watching if you are in the mood for an indirect comedy. if some movies did very badly in the genre they sought to be, then see them in a different perspective. eg: Land of the Dead failed as a sci-fi thriller, see it as a comedy :) its radical but it works. for me.

some people, who do not understand the movies language both partially or completely, in my opinion is not qualified to judge the movie. its like me, criticizing a french film when i dont know 99% what the actors are talking about.(that 1% includes "moi" "au revoir" and all :p ). its absolutely ridiculous aint it?

maybe its just me, but since ive went out on movie dates with my ex-girlfriend, i love to just go in and watch a movie that i know nothing about(since she loves to watch movies that are under my radar) i then let the feelings left in me when i walk out of the cinema be my judgement. wouldnt it be nice? to watch a movie? and let it cultivate you along the way?

Jet Li and Morgan Freeman's "Unleashed" is not bad as well. with the plot/ideas relating to real-life (Freud and his psychoanalytical, dream interpretation theories) but if you are looking for an ass busting film, this is not your cup of tea. nonetheless i enjoyed it sufficiently to be able to recommend it to you.


Blogger Unknown said...

You have good content on your blog keep up the good work

4:13 AM  

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