Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Triple Bash


yep its the triple essay bash, and they are all due today! ive done them already, however this might be the 3 crappiest essays ive written in my entire academic life. i cant wait to just dump them in the assignment box...

this is kinda like a report on myself to my parents since i havent posted anything here.. and mom, dad you guys have got to stop calling me when im in class, or when im sleeping >.<" but all is fine i can assure you.

few things happened lately, since our place is ideal for..ummn..hangouts, every friday or saturday we host cooking competitions of sorts... my Housemate and i are a team, Collin and Herbert (housemates of a diff unit) are a team, Richard and Dafny are a team too.. we take alternate turns to come here, concoct different dishes everytime for everyone

since then we have learnt alot of new dishes from each other, and improvised on our own recipes based on the inspiration gathered from other teams and their dishes.

the "competition" is judged on 3 criterias, -Taste -Presentation and -Cost

of course the tastier it is the bestter, the better looking dish gets more points that one without. the less cost the better..

we are eating Hotel/5 star restaurant like food (no kidding :P) at $10 a head! and everytime to are starting to cost less and less.

talk about cheap food.

(we did spend quite a sum of money in kitchenware tho >.<" )

the washing is an absolute bitch forsure

so mom, dad... watch out! ima return with a chef's degree instead =/ i hope youre as eager to try my food as i am eager to make them for you. my dear sisters you wont be left out as well!


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