The world is a huge mathematical equation, funny for a person that absolutely abhores mathematics would have that kinda perception. What makes it such a difficult and challenging question is because the world equation is full of unknowns, with very little constants or fixed numbers.
I found ,the only way one can compeletely unravel the fabrics of the world, one must stay constant, and watch the world move when one is completely still. that, is alot harder than it sounds, we are constantly subject to change, and influences from others. but in truth, the biggest distraction, is yourself.
eternal happiness is when you can unravel the worlds fabrics.
I have this profound passion for seeking all the answers for all the questions in the world; filling up every blanks, giving the unknowns a numerical value, so i can understand the bigger equation and hopefully solve it completely.
i am the type of person, that would die with both eyes wide open, staring into this question and mystery filled world. my unflinching corpse would continue to be a constant in the world, still staring at the world whose mysteries still elude me, the physical mortality the world has cursed me with has impeded my progress to eternal happines. no one knows why i have this unsatiable thrist for knowledge and knowing, that is yet, another unknown i wish to find.
the answers to my questions are beyond elusive. like a phantom butterfly my holed net can never catch.
i lay depressed, sitting crossed-legged amidst the verdant jungle with ethereal grass and apparitious trees, still the phamstasmic butterflies flutter around me, taunting me, mocking my insolence, my audacity to seek what i cannot find; to catch what i can never grasp.
Raging and furious, i whip around like a crazed shaman in a morbid ritual of summoing. i summoned forth the greatest, most malignent, most malicious manifestations of my own emotions. Detonating and crucifying everything that moved or breathed. hopefully reducing them to ash and dust, so they stay still and put -like a constant.
butterflies do not mock me.
then, like after a terrible gale of lightning and fury, i calmed my spirit, and continued to seek justice, truth, answers to my questions that lay unanswered still.
but one can only catch ghostly creatures when one is a ghost himself.
so it seems, the only way to achieve eternal happiness, is death.
where my unflinching corpse, still stares... at the question-filled world.. for a little longer, then... more.
I found ,the only way one can compeletely unravel the fabrics of the world, one must stay constant, and watch the world move when one is completely still. that, is alot harder than it sounds, we are constantly subject to change, and influences from others. but in truth, the biggest distraction, is yourself.
eternal happiness is when you can unravel the worlds fabrics.
I have this profound passion for seeking all the answers for all the questions in the world; filling up every blanks, giving the unknowns a numerical value, so i can understand the bigger equation and hopefully solve it completely.
i am the type of person, that would die with both eyes wide open, staring into this question and mystery filled world. my unflinching corpse would continue to be a constant in the world, still staring at the world whose mysteries still elude me, the physical mortality the world has cursed me with has impeded my progress to eternal happines. no one knows why i have this unsatiable thrist for knowledge and knowing, that is yet, another unknown i wish to find.
the answers to my questions are beyond elusive. like a phantom butterfly my holed net can never catch.
i lay depressed, sitting crossed-legged amidst the verdant jungle with ethereal grass and apparitious trees, still the phamstasmic butterflies flutter around me, taunting me, mocking my insolence, my audacity to seek what i cannot find; to catch what i can never grasp.
Raging and furious, i whip around like a crazed shaman in a morbid ritual of summoing. i summoned forth the greatest, most malignent, most malicious manifestations of my own emotions. Detonating and crucifying everything that moved or breathed. hopefully reducing them to ash and dust, so they stay still and put -like a constant.
butterflies do not mock me.
then, like after a terrible gale of lightning and fury, i calmed my spirit, and continued to seek justice, truth, answers to my questions that lay unanswered still.
but one can only catch ghostly creatures when one is a ghost himself.
so it seems, the only way to achieve eternal happiness, is death.
where my unflinching corpse, still stares... at the question-filled world.. for a little longer, then... more.
Don't know where else to drop this message, btw where is your tagboard???
Happy birthday!!
Hope its a memorable one!
hehe, thanks :)
Tag Board got bugged and was deleted...
Our Malaysia educational policy is in a hopeless situation. By changing from English medium to bahasa melayu, we lost a generation of English speaking people.
Now countries like China and India have overtaken us. Soon Indonesia and Vietnam will also overtake us, if they had not done so. Our country will eventually become the sick man of Asia.
We will be a nation with a lot of unemployable graduates with qualification that is not recognised by any country outside Malaysia.
Frankly, all our local university qualifications are not recognised by any oversea educational body. That is a polite way of saying that your university standard is lousy and not up to standard.
So those of you in local university, stop wasting your time, might as well do a vocational course. You have better chance to get a job.
To me, Ketuanan Melayu is the false notion of malay greatness or malay supremacy. Truth is - there is nothing to associate the malay race with greatness.
By any widely accepted standards, it will be obvious to see that the malay race does not quality to be called one of the great races of this world. Truth is that the Chinese and Indians have a culture accomplished far greater and much more than these jokers have.
It should be Chinese and Indian supremacy in Malaysia. The only reason why malays have power in Malaysia is because they have the biggest population, and the racist rhetoric of the malay Umno politicians always sway the malay vote towards themselves.
Anyway, back to the untrue notion of Ketuanan Melayu. Let us see what malays have accomplished. Has any malay won the Nobel Prize - no. Has any malay been nominated for the Nobel Prize - most probably not.
By contrast, numerous Chinese and Indians have won the Nobel Prize and various other awards. The Chinese and Indian diaspora is widely recognized as two of the three most successful diasporas in history, the other being the Jewish diaspora. All over the world, Chinese and Indians have become successful artists, CEOs, doctors, filmmakers, scientists, writers, etc, etc.
Name one malay who is widely recognized around the world in his or her field. The only malay whose name might be recognized out of this country is Mahathir, and he is part Indian. Is malay culture recognized as a world renowned culture - no.
Malay culture, if cultures were ranked, would be close to the bottom. What is their culture compared to the great Chinese and Indian cultures that are centuries old and really rich! The Chinese and Indians have a 5000 years old history during which China and India have played a very important part in world history.
Nobody knew about malays until the Indian kings of south India first came here. That is why the oldest archeological remains in Malaysia, in Lembah Bujang, are Hindu temples.
The malay sultanate itself was started by a Hindu - Parameswara. And even at the height of its power, the Malacca sultanate was nothing more than a vassal of the Chinese emperor.
Have any malay architect designed anything worthwhile - no. Have any malay author won the Booker Prize or the Pulitzer Prize - no. Have any malay filmmaker won an Oscar - no. Have the malays achieved anything in sports - no.
Chinese and Indians have achieved all this. So there is no real Ketuanan Melayu. It is a fiction concocted by racist stupid politicians to keep the "kampung" malays happy thinking that they have had a glorious past.
They don't. Their history isn't worth mentioning. You would never find a mention of malays or Malaysia or Tanah Melayu in most books of world history while entire chapters are devoted to the history of China and India.
The discriminative constitution and law of Malaysia is just a recognition of this fact. The malay leaders and to every single malay knows that on a level playing field, the malays will never be able to compete with the Chinese and Indians.
UMNO = Untuk Makan Nasi Orang
This is a new generation of lazy malays who evolved from their lazy ancestors. Not surprising la! Wait for the next generation of lazy malays on the future with better parasitic economic policies.
The question that has to be asked is does the BN even have a plan to remove the NEP at all? The truth is without the NEP, BN and Umno would break apart and kicked out of government.
So if Umno cannot survive without the NEP, it does not even matter what the facts are because they won't get rid of a policy that will end their tenure in government.
Umno-malays will never remove NEP. Trust me.
Without NEP, how are they going to amass wealth? Without NEP, how are they going to play golf every weekend? Without NEP, how are they going to take second wife?
This proves that ASLI original report is indeed accurate and that the claim by a certain minister and the lame prime minister himself that bumi equity is only 19% is the real rubbish.
Well, can't say I blame them - they are rubbish themselves.
Badawi a leader for all Malaysians? You got to be kidding. He is the leader of the den of thieves known as Umno. As long as Umno is in power, the NEP will remain. Don't ever think otherwise.
Umno is like a person who does not know how to do an honest day work. It is nothing more than a spoilt kid who has been given everything it has ever wanted, and more. Yes, the self-destruction has begun, and there is no turning back unless the voters are savvy enough to vote them out of power.
Sadly, this is unlikely to happen, as Umno general assembly is going to demonstrate exactly how the thieves intend to stay in power at whatever cost - including using the perennial non-malay bogeyman.
Without the NEP, Umno will not survive, so they have to continue to pillage, rape and steal the country's resources without any due regard for the future.
How else could you explain that the APs scandal continues unabated, with the fat lady continuing to issue them in the tens of thousands to her cronies and relatives? How else could you explain that the government-owned banks continue to be bailed out with taxpayers money?
Only NEP implemented by Umno is capable of doing so. The lazy and weak society will not see it as a corruption practice and transgression of public money.
On the contrary, they will take it as a "dream", as we are often being asked by a salesperson initially, "What is your dream?" Of course, instead of drawing the multi layers commission overriding plan, they write: "Join la Umno".
Denying BN the 2/3 majority is the wakeup called needed for these contented and lazy people that we will one day be like the US, where the public has the voting rights to get rid of a party that acts not in favour of the majority citizens.
Every good statistician will tell you that Najis statistics are flawed.
Najis is not comparing apple with apple. He is not using weighted statistic (based on population and income) for comparison.
With one race from larger population, it is bound to have the statistics stretched, thereby lowering the value. Therefore you will get one orange comparing with apple. But with weighted comparison, only then you are comparing on equal terms.
Najis doesn't tell the whole story. He is just inciting emotions with flawed facts. Wonder what was his motive? You guess is as good as mine.
Hello Malaysians! I am a Malaysian Indian whom been in UK for quite some time now. And until now some of my good friends are malays.
As a country, Malaysia is a beautiful one compare to lots of other countries. But there is something I want the malays to hear and consider, racism exist everywhere and I agree. But how can a government run its country depending on race, that is not fair.
For one minute if you guys think out of the box, how can even education be divided according to different races where there is some as Mara University only for malays. Don't you think education is something everybody deserves without racism in it?
In UK I am not even a PR here but I been treated so equal in terms if I am going to buy a house or to apply for a university. Can you believe it that I got a funding to do my PhD from a UK body, they are that fair.
I know few Mara medical students here in UK who got full funding from Malaysia but they are not bonded with Malaysia at all! I just want you guys to think is it fair that our fathers tax money (non-malays and malays) goes to waste!
Racism exists in UK, where you can see some citizens giving odd comments and all but that is all! That comment will not affect me at all! The thing that will affect me is, I getting a good result without being able to continue my studies.
My living lifestyle is so good in here and I am so happy, that does mean I don't like living in Malaysia but please think, I will never be treated the same, my kids have to go through the same thing.
I will continue to work in UK until I get a PR and really earn some good money, then one day I will return to Malaysia to retire, and with money, the government can't touch you! In fact you can just live your live as if Malaysia government does not exist at all.
I just think that no country should be governed according to religion and race, the country will never come up. As we all can see, MAS airlines with no competition in Malaysia went bankrupt! Can you believe that!
Someone said Chinese invaded Singapore, well lucky they did, and that is why everybody in the world now knows Singapore and not Malaysia which is much much older and bigger.
You stinking malay pig, please get the f*** back to your own land in Aceh or Jawa, whatever. Because this is Tanah Orang Asli and malay pig like you are pendatang!
To someone……….time and time again we have said that the malays are from Jawa. I always say that they are from Aceh, Sumatra, etc - do you see anyone of these racists (obviously malays) objecting to that fact?
This is the truth and they cannot handle this. They don't dare say that because it is so true! Even Mahathir admitted recently - the origins of the malays are not Malaysia but Indonesia - Sumatra and island etc.
The real bumis are the natives of Borneo and the Orang Asli. Not these malay free loaders and wasted sperms.
"Son of the soil" incorrect! More appropriate term would be "Rapist of the soil"! Malays are pendatang, they called Chinese and Indians pendatang! Tak malu!
To malays pendatang from Indonesia, you are also enemy to Indonesia, stupid! Apa? Tak faham English? Makan tahi dan berambus balik ke Jawa! Setia kepada negara Indonesia! So are you, malay pig!
Aren't you a bloody hypocrite? You are not the Orang Asli of this country - you are an immigrant from Jawa, Sulawesi, all elsewhere - why did you come here to this country then?
Why not help your own country (or should I say your dilapidated kampung in Jawa) and improve the situation then? What……….what did you say? Oh you want a better life is it? I see - so what does that make you? A patriotic fake? Or a hypocrite with no substance?
Compare China and Indonesia - then tell me who is faring better in the international stage! You useless malay pig. At the end of the day - you work for me.
Obviously, you are worse than shit. Not pigs, for pigs are really smart animals. Tanah Melayu my ass! Orang Asli were here before your ancestors crept onto this land. Learn some history, ok? Of course, you can always change history! Tak malu kah!
You are sick in the brain, thanks to Mahathir!
Chinese got pissed off as not all Chinese are rich, but all work their asses off to make an honest living, while idiots like you think that you are entitled to riches without sweating. What discontent? After all these years all the handouts, you still couldn't get your acts together, and you want to blame others, the Chinese, the Indians? Where is your dignity?
What anger? You get angry at the Olympics because malays can't run faster than the Americans? The Aussies? The Chinese? (Just imagine some of you jokers made it to the Olympics, although none did!)
If you want to run amok, go ahead, join the apes and chimpanzees, your kind have been doing that at UPM, brainless monkeys they are, and so are you, go flock together.
The reason why malays tend to run "amok" is because of close relative breeding. Just like non-high breed dogs - brother have sex with the mother, and father marry their own sister, and the confusion goes on.
The end result is non-high breed dogs - that are difficult to train and tend to even bite their own master. Unlike the Chinese, they are very careful not to have too close relative marrying one another.
That is why you can see how Chinese excel in different part of the world. The Chinese are indeed a world race now, as China progress with such speed which is unknown off in any other race in the world!
Singapore is a fine example of Chinese superiority! Sad news for the malay race but then again it is the truth!
(Malay extremists racists are going to call you pendatang etc, even hang you upside down by your balls, for socking them in the balls where it hurts most, like you did.
But you have been brave in telling them the truth about the dark side of their race which explains why they are so backward. God be with you……….)
Rich and successful Chinese don't owe you a thing. Not so successful Chinese are working honestly to make ends meet. So, you either work, or go get fed in the ass by Mahathir, ok? He won't charge you for the ecstasy and the service you may receive.
You are nothing but scum. You give fellow malays a bad name. You make your parents lose face. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? A good-for-nothing idiot! That is all there is in you.
You are a babi hutan from either the jungle of Jawa or Sumatra. All you Umno malay pig are in fact pendatang to this Tanah Orang Asli. So get the f*** out of my country!
Our Indian and Chinese brothers, be positive thinking.
The more they rely on NEP the weaker they are. On the contrary, other races will become more matured, flexible and dynamic. The malays are giving a very good training to other races in Malaysia.
We pity them because their race will deteriorate over times if they do not wake up.
A strange thing I have noticed over the past few months. The average Malaysian Chinese seem to aspire to emigrate, very specifically to Australia. It almost seems like they work their asses off so that they may move themselves and their entire family down under.
It is like Australia is some paradise island or something. I know that Melbourne is one of the most livable places in the world, but a statistic like that can by no means cause the mass migration that I noticed.
The Malaysia government has this program called - Malaysia my second home. It is to attract retired whites to settle to Malaysia and bring their money with them. Sadly, Malaysia doesn't seem homely enough for the Chinese.
They have always complained about the brain drain. They whine that Singapore is stealing all the Malaysia talent. Now with entire families moving out, it is not only brain drain, it is capital drain. They really should find out how much money has been sucked to Australia in the past 10 years. It will probably run in the tens of millions.
Can they stop this? No. It just cannot be done. Until the government stops treating the Chinese like second class citizens, it will not happen.
Quote: "You go to Singapore, a couple of ministers there are from Penang. In Hong Kong, a number of advisers to the government are from Penang, and in China, some of the best managers are from Penang. Penang is supports the world!"
It is all about Singapore, Hong Kong and China but not Malaysia. So, prove to me that this is not "brain drain".
Brain drain is part and parcel of Malaysia. Things are not going improve, at least at the rate we are going. Welcome to Bolehland. We can!
I hope to see some progress in our country heading towards a mainly two-party system like in the US, UK and Australia. But the opposition parties must get their act together; and the people too must get wiser.
The big bad world of globalisation has descended on us like a tsunami. We still want to walk with crutches. The competition now come from China, not the local Chinese badly represented by the MCA; from the Indians from the near continent, not from the local Indians doubly badly represented by the MIC.
At the end of the day, stop complaining too much, for you - the voters - put the government there. You finally deserve the government you get - complacent, arrogant, and not accountable.
Otherwise, why do 21st century so-called leaders want to revive the NEP, an instrument of the 1979s - 1990s that had proven to be not effective? Don't we learn from the history and current developments?
I too, used to think that all is rosy and happy in Malaysia. But as each year passes, I find out more and more disturbing things happening in my beloved country.
Yes, mostly resulting in a more cynical outlook, with some youths turning even desperate and then like "opting" out of the system, or slightly better for some lucky ones, staying back in a foreign land, because "my government seems to be taking actions to drive us away".
What a sad refrain, and the government laments - sincerely? Brain drain - I personally know many of such youths parents have chosen to "opt out" of the political arena. Sad. Tragic but true.
Yes, it is good that China will one day become a superpower and I am very proud of it too - as a Chinese. That goes too for India and I am glad it too will become a super power.
By the way, don't be a katak, many businessmen friends I have are already having trading relationships with China, Singapore etc. Most with China, it is good money there if one is careful and knows the opportunities.
We don't have to return there, we can go anywhere. Today is global you know. We return here for rest and visit friends.
Most make their money and keep outside the country - you know la to help the NEP. Not to have too much money in Malaysia to be counted as non-malay assets. Otherwise how can malays catch up with thousands of overseas Malaysian Chinese earning millions!
Mind you, many of those top graders who are working overseas are earning many times more! My own niece is making in the region of 100000 pound sterling per year at the age of only 30!
Actually Malaysian pay is very low compared to the West just like Indonesian pay is very much lower than Malaysian. So the lucky ones are enjoying their fruits of their labour.
It is ok, we are helping to ensure NEP a success by decrease our percentage of wealth.
whoa. .all i did was.. debark on my course of studying and WHOA. i suddenly see this massive surge of comment activity. please put a tagboard up so i can remain neutral and say hello thats it. =) haha. when will u be back! i wanna say holla. but i have to nerd for now. u take care roy. tell me abt the mitosis when u are free. hehe. out and abt!
There is always discrepancy between the source the Malaysia government used to produce reports and the source the media is getting.
Later they will say those source from media is rubbish while they don't even know how is their source came about.
Just like the ASLI reports, until right now the government couldn't release the methodology they used to calculate the NEP.
Ask you, if you earn RM1000 per month 10 years ago and if you earn RM1000 now, will your lifestyle is the same?
Only those people who stayed under the 'well' will keep the money under the pillow and still thinking that he is 'rich' forever.
Badawi failed statistic paper, what do you expected his judgment of stock?
Why the destruction in wealth? I give you one word (four if you want to be pedantic) - Umno.
If you look back at all the man made calamities suffered by this bountiful country, the misguided and plainly destructive policies, rampant corruption, hypocrisy, leakages, wastages, it all leads back to that one entity, Umno.
The core or the political center as one puts it, is cancerous and utterly rotten. No doubt, there are good people in the party willing to fight for the values we all cherish, but the hierarchy from the top right down to divisional leaders, is beyond salvation.
Every Malaysian worth his salt feels shame for the downright shameful way the country is being run except the country's leaders. I doubt they know the meaning of shame.
Our resources and public funds are being drained like the 'air longkang'. Of course our economic will also heads toward and looks like 'air longkang'. The management of country economic is given to wrong person like 'kera mendapat bunga'.
Of course we know what happen to the flower. God bless Bolehland.
Brain drain is going on at the rapid pace as rapid as how rapid China and India is growing!
No meritocracy, no transparency, wishy-washy policies, daylight robbery - and we expect investors to come into this country?
Without the EPF propping up the stock market, the paper losses would have been phenomenal. In any case, this government will simply lower the bar and put on the spin that the Malaysia stock market is still in positive territory.
Remember - these people do not know the meaning of the word 'shame'.
We concentrated and invested so much in education but the economy is not growing fast and sophisticated enough to provide good, meaningful and rewarding jobs to our people.
Other countries will take advantage of our educated, hardworking, knowledgeable and skillful people to generate jobs and real wealth for their own people.
This is what competition and globalisation are all about……….borders are disappearing and money and people move easily.
Malaysia stock market, like Malaysia politics, is opaque. By and large, only fools would venture where angels fear to tread.
I would venture to say that the performance of the stock market is, to a large degree, directly proportional to the political culture of this country - the greater the accountability, integrity, transparency - you will see a corresponding growth in investors confidence and foreign investments etc.
The reason why bursa is doing so badly is Mahathir and his capital control. Foreign investors got badly burned when he suddenly changed the rules in 1997.
At that time cap control looked like a good idea, but if you had allowed the market to fall, it would eventually recover to its true value.
In a bull run, a market might overshoot its true value by 100% and vice versa.
Education in Bolehland is a big joke. It is systematically being damaged, degraded, destroyed and impaired by the BN government ever since after Tunku. Why? So that the BN leaders kids can be comparatively better than common plebeians.
Why do you think they send their kids to overseas or private schools at a young age! They have no intention of sharing the rubbish education here period. Badawi like the big fool that he is blindly following it but christened it as his way. What joke!
WTF isn't this a poem
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