Thursday, August 02, 2007


Just something that had occured to me recently...

Pronunciation: [ti-'mah-krĂȘ-si]
Definition: Plato considered timocracy government by principles of honor. To Aristotle it was a government in which the ownership of property is a prerequisite for holding office.

If we go with Aristotle's interpretation of the word Timocracy, then think hard on today's society, our systems of government in those so called "democratic countries" is'nt really...ummnn... democratic?

when was the last time you saw someone without a significant amount of financial wealth hold office? I cant remember...

But thats not the point im trying to make today. with those things being said, the internet realm has also become timocratic. i've realized that every forum I go to, they require you to be a member of that forum in order to post a comment (voice your opinion), and to become a member, you will need an email address.

since there are not many types of things we can "own" in the internet, hence an email address is pretty significant. it is not exhaustive in that category in a sense, because there are still websites, web pages and not to mention blogs, that are available to be "owned" by people.

Also in the blog-sphere, the really famous blogsites that had attracted alot of readers usually recieve high acclaims (or criticism) and they usually express them in the form of comments or the largely misused word - "testimonials".

what i find, when rumaging thru these comments is that, those who have included their own blog url or email address are more convincing... or yield more authority, at least when compared with those who post annonymously or those who did otherwise.

maybe its just me or If youre an abibliophobic and read everything you come across in the internet, do you think the internet has become timocratic as well?


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