Dispute Me
Man is now here on earth. Where did we come from? Where did the ground where we stand come from? Where did the sky come from?
Religion claimed to have most of the answer. It even tells us where we will go after our physical existence ceases, well.. to exist.
Where the universe came from, mankind has not advanced far enough to say for sure. We have not achieved a level of understanding like how we understand a Pencil works on paper.
That question, I hope will be answered soon.
But when it comes to religion, we have a good idea where it started.
It started when people of old started asking questions like I did in my first paragraph. They associated events occurring around them with stories and tales just to make sense of it all.
Like the coming of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Read up Hades and Persephone for the GreecoRoman version.
For monotheistic religion, I don't have a specific prejudice against Christianity, but I will use Jesus as an example.
Jesus came about, claimed to want to save the world from sin etc etc. Promises eternal joy in his Kingdom when he returns. Promises those who observe the sabbath to live forever by his side.
It has been a big leap, from pagan society (which was what the denizens of the world were primarily), for someone to lay claim that his father was the ONLY god governing the world we call Earth.
It does not directly provide claim or proof as to how the universe begin, other than "In the beginning..."
Christianity (Catholics and Protestants, I will refer to each specifically if I see the need arise, for now when I say Christianity i mean both) was heavily persecuted in its earlier days. Where masses of people were crucified (it was an old Roman punishment, and its genesis has got nothing to do with Genesis) just because they believed in a new god.
People worshiped in their homes, behind closed doors and windows to avoid being killed.
But again, What a leap! From tree and rock spirits to believing that there is an "invisible man" -George Carlin, living in the sky, watching everything we do.
So many questions unanswered, again to the creation/start of the universe.
Many people of the faith I spoke with, said it was up to "Faith".
"I do not have proof, nor does my religion, to prove the universe was created by my god," a devout Christian said. There were many like him/her, but if we look far enough, it all started with One man.
A man named Jesus Christ.
But by the 1600s, most parts of the "known" world where Christianity sprang about, harbored Christians.
Now. Hear my proposition.
Like the universe, where so much is uncharted, so much is unknown, so many questions unanswered. We delegate these unknowns to a superior being, the mastermind behind it all. And we go with Faith, to know that he/she/it will deliver us from the pain of existence.
Like the universe, the human mind is also very benign. We know nothing about the flesh that allows us to know. We learn so little from the matter which allows us to learn.
From knowledge, to facts, to love, to anger, all of which comes from our brain, but yet again, there is SO little we know of our mind.
Some reports said we only use 1-4% of our brains.
Extrapolate that, and put it against the universe. We know much less than 1% that makes up our universe in which we live in. Its the same thing.
To understand our minds more, which cannot be answered for now, I propose we worship it. Not the brain itself, but the mind.
The mind is capable of so many things, the elements in which we can derive from our mind is endless.
We can move matter, create, destroy, explore and so much more, using the power of our minds, fueled by our muscles to help the mind accomplish what it sets out to do.
So, why not we worship everyone's minds as a "religion"?
Why cant we provide an explanation for the mind like we provide and explanation to the four seasons, to the events that happen around us, and to the creation of the universe?
"But god created our minds, therefore god is still god" Another Christian said.
No. You only wish to have "faith" that god created your minds.
So, who are you to tell me that my "faith" in my mind (and everyone elses) is based on unsound belief? That the mind is not worship-worthy? That we are alone in this godless world?
"Christianity has been around for a long time and billions of people believe in the religion today, billions of people have faith in Jesus and his second coming," he continued.
He added, "It must have been because it is the word of god that his message was allowed to propagate itself among us," he added.
It may have been god's message, but how many times have god sent a different prophet to come and make us download new "versions" of his "mental software"? There was Adam, there was Noah, There was Abraham, Moses, Jesus and even Mohammed, some claimed that they have the latest and last version.
So, which one is the word of god? Can I too, lay claim that I am the new messiah? The latest message, and tell everyone 'oh by the way, god said hi and told us to think more for each other and less for him'.
I will be shot. eventually anyway.
"But all the prophets have done miracles," the Christian said.
What is a miracle? My question was.
"Parting the seas, curing the sick, reviving the dead and coming back to life after getting crucified. There were many witnesses." he elaborated.
The last bit, off topic, but why didnt Jesus just DID'NT die on the cross, and choose to come back to life in a cave when no one can see it happen. No witnesses there right?
My question again is: So miracles are things that ordinary people cannot do.
"Yes" he answered.
Then I want to say, I am thinking. Does that count as a miracle by today's standards?
The devout Christian broke off the conversation, apparently angry because I just indirectly implied he doesn't think.
He said "Anyway, Christianity is a very established religion now, again, Many people have faith."
But it all started with one man. His name was Jesus Christ.
I have faith that the mind is capable of so much, it is on par with the things we call god.
With a god of the mind, there is a religion of the mind.
It will start, like any other religion we know today.
It will start with one man.
That man's name is Roy See.
Religion claimed to have most of the answer. It even tells us where we will go after our physical existence ceases, well.. to exist.
Where the universe came from, mankind has not advanced far enough to say for sure. We have not achieved a level of understanding like how we understand a Pencil works on paper.
That question, I hope will be answered soon.
But when it comes to religion, we have a good idea where it started.
It started when people of old started asking questions like I did in my first paragraph. They associated events occurring around them with stories and tales just to make sense of it all.
Like the coming of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Read up Hades and Persephone for the GreecoRoman version.
For monotheistic religion, I don't have a specific prejudice against Christianity, but I will use Jesus as an example.
Jesus came about, claimed to want to save the world from sin etc etc. Promises eternal joy in his Kingdom when he returns. Promises those who observe the sabbath to live forever by his side.
It has been a big leap, from pagan society (which was what the denizens of the world were primarily), for someone to lay claim that his father was the ONLY god governing the world we call Earth.
It does not directly provide claim or proof as to how the universe begin, other than "In the beginning..."
Christianity (Catholics and Protestants, I will refer to each specifically if I see the need arise, for now when I say Christianity i mean both) was heavily persecuted in its earlier days. Where masses of people were crucified (it was an old Roman punishment, and its genesis has got nothing to do with Genesis) just because they believed in a new god.
People worshiped in their homes, behind closed doors and windows to avoid being killed.
But again, What a leap! From tree and rock spirits to believing that there is an "invisible man" -George Carlin, living in the sky, watching everything we do.
So many questions unanswered, again to the creation/start of the universe.
Many people of the faith I spoke with, said it was up to "Faith".
"I do not have proof, nor does my religion, to prove the universe was created by my god," a devout Christian said. There were many like him/her, but if we look far enough, it all started with One man.
A man named Jesus Christ.
But by the 1600s, most parts of the "known" world where Christianity sprang about, harbored Christians.
Now. Hear my proposition.
Like the universe, where so much is uncharted, so much is unknown, so many questions unanswered. We delegate these unknowns to a superior being, the mastermind behind it all. And we go with Faith, to know that he/she/it will deliver us from the pain of existence.
Like the universe, the human mind is also very benign. We know nothing about the flesh that allows us to know. We learn so little from the matter which allows us to learn.
From knowledge, to facts, to love, to anger, all of which comes from our brain, but yet again, there is SO little we know of our mind.
Some reports said we only use 1-4% of our brains.
Extrapolate that, and put it against the universe. We know much less than 1% that makes up our universe in which we live in. Its the same thing.
To understand our minds more, which cannot be answered for now, I propose we worship it. Not the brain itself, but the mind.
The mind is capable of so many things, the elements in which we can derive from our mind is endless.
We can move matter, create, destroy, explore and so much more, using the power of our minds, fueled by our muscles to help the mind accomplish what it sets out to do.
So, why not we worship everyone's minds as a "religion"?
Why cant we provide an explanation for the mind like we provide and explanation to the four seasons, to the events that happen around us, and to the creation of the universe?
"But god created our minds, therefore god is still god" Another Christian said.
No. You only wish to have "faith" that god created your minds.
So, who are you to tell me that my "faith" in my mind (and everyone elses) is based on unsound belief? That the mind is not worship-worthy? That we are alone in this godless world?
"Christianity has been around for a long time and billions of people believe in the religion today, billions of people have faith in Jesus and his second coming," he continued.
He added, "It must have been because it is the word of god that his message was allowed to propagate itself among us," he added.
It may have been god's message, but how many times have god sent a different prophet to come and make us download new "versions" of his "mental software"? There was Adam, there was Noah, There was Abraham, Moses, Jesus and even Mohammed, some claimed that they have the latest and last version.
So, which one is the word of god? Can I too, lay claim that I am the new messiah? The latest message, and tell everyone 'oh by the way, god said hi and told us to think more for each other and less for him'.
I will be shot. eventually anyway.
"But all the prophets have done miracles," the Christian said.
What is a miracle? My question was.
"Parting the seas, curing the sick, reviving the dead and coming back to life after getting crucified. There were many witnesses." he elaborated.
The last bit, off topic, but why didnt Jesus just DID'NT die on the cross, and choose to come back to life in a cave when no one can see it happen. No witnesses there right?
My question again is: So miracles are things that ordinary people cannot do.
"Yes" he answered.
Then I want to say, I am thinking. Does that count as a miracle by today's standards?
The devout Christian broke off the conversation, apparently angry because I just indirectly implied he doesn't think.
He said "Anyway, Christianity is a very established religion now, again, Many people have faith."
But it all started with one man. His name was Jesus Christ.
I have faith that the mind is capable of so much, it is on par with the things we call god.
With a god of the mind, there is a religion of the mind.
It will start, like any other religion we know today.
It will start with one man.
That man's name is Roy See.
If you worship the mind, you draw limits for yourself. Limits that will give you a strong shell of consciousness. Yet that is all there is to it. You once said that wisdom comes with a price we'd gladly pay. Did you know faith was free? It's merely a gift you have to accept. But know this, many people claim they have faith that Jesus walked on water, yet they cannot even swim. Look at those Indians walking on hot coals during Thaipusam without getting burnt feet. They aren't Christian. They don't talk about God.
Faith, they hazzit.
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