Sunday, April 02, 2006

Bigotry Bigomy

Set aside the theories of how life started on earth -lightning initiated evolution, humans made from clay, or even descendants of adamn and eve...what ever you wish but consider this question, like seriously consider it...

"why are we in this world?"

dont give me them god's instrument/will/playdoll house bullcrap, think for once, for ONCE in a very basic and practical perspective. not as basic as the continuity of the human race.

my housemates told me, "you should take it easy". like be generous to life, dont expect so much of yourself so you wont expect so much from others. ive always wanted to make an impact in the world to be honest. whereever i go, as much as i would like to go unnoticed and be as subtle as i possibly can, theres always this part of me which wants to let forth a bang and be noticed.

even when playing world of warcraft. when i started that game, ive ALWAYS wanted to a guildmaster, because by doing so, you make an impression in your server. people will know "oo Magnathor the leader of a renowned guild"...i even blog, hopefully someday someone important might stumble on this page and be feel inspired just as i have, when im writing my posts..every single one of them.

the things that i wear, the things that i say and do, ive always wanted to leave a signature of my own in the minds of the people who have been exposed to me. my call sign "KilRoy" was a craze in the UK a few decades back where people would spray "KillRoy was here". and the reason for all that? just to make an impression.

recently ive been taking up cooking as well, i cook very often for my housemates and for some reason, i love to adorn my food. making sure they have a good blend of colours, cleaning the sides of the plate where the sauce might have stained it etc. making it as PRESENTABLE as best i could. my housemate told me "do you have to do that?" i replied "there are 3 criterias for a dish, presentation, scent and taste, i tend to emphasize on presentation quite alot.." she replied "yeah i know, seeing the pictures of all your ex-girlfriends i kinda got the idea."

it struck me again.

why do i care so much about good looks? is it another one of my "making an impression" attempts? then i realized, i have no reasons for wanting a beautiful looking girlfriend, i just do.. or maybe because i know that i am not a person who will love easily, but when i do i make sure i give it 101% worth of my spirit and effort. so is that then justified? since i make every try my last shot, isnt it only reasonable if i only go for the best? (i put alot of consideration on my partners ethics, personality and behaviour as well, mind you. im not ALL that shallow)

i know at this point this post has no coherence in any way but please bear with me

so why are we here? only told to study hard in the early stages of life so you can later enjoy the "fruits" of your labour? since primary school i was cycled to study hard, so you can get a good score and get into a good secondary school,then college then uni...graduate and get a degree in something you completely hate doing but you do it anyway because the pay is good, then study masters or doctorate or even claim the proffesor title, and after that, wait you dont get to enjoy it just have to WORK as a professor in a UNI faculty probably. work is hectic, you never get a break...sure your filthy rich but WHATTHEFUCK for? youre probably 55 years old and cant even keep an erection.

get married? is the other alternative you say? sorry blokes but theres no such thing as "marry a rich wife and live happily ever after". girls always, i mean ALWAYS play in EZY mode where the guys do all the chasin', all the girls just sit tight and we guys would come waving our wangs at ya. wheter we succeed or not, lies completely at the hands of you ladies.

so you are succesfull? cool, you get loadsa money and BANG an airplane falls from the sky and a screw hits your head at 600kmph you die in that instant. OMFGZOR whatthe fuck happens to your 430billion dollars in your bank then? surely you cant "save" them and use then in your next life, or bring them with you to heaven or hell whereverthefuck youre going?

Christians are the funniest in that sense, judgement day comes and then whot? you get into heaven because youre baptised? muslims get to heaven anyway, you have 3 VIRGINS waiting for you. gee i wonder why did they emphasize so much on the VIRGINITY? you know? sure beats the hell outta me...your god isnt coming no more. even if he does, i would very much liek to talk to him.

him? and i wonder who the bloodyfucktard 1st coined god as a male? "our father in heaven?" what about them ladies? cant god be a she? this only shows how flawed religion is where it has been tainted by man/men. if god has CREATED humans to be equal (which i really dont agree with, the creating part) why are there more male politicians than females? more male chefs, more male musicians more male painters more males everything? did god take adams rib bone to MAKE eve? i dont think so, if thats really the case every women here owes me some bones.

so why are we here then? to make an impression so people will remember you for times to come? or do we live like plants waiting to be harvested by god's second coming? or are we mindless multiplying machines producing and reproducig ourselves so we can "continue" the human race?

me? up until now. heres my answer -im here to live, and have the best of fun while i can. call me a bigot but fuck you if you think im a bigot.


Blogger typlotion said...

i dun know, but i kinda agree with the christian and muslim thingy

8:36 PM  
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