Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Mechanical Metaphor

Have you ever seen movies like - Master of Puppets, Resident Evil, Shaun of The Dead, They Slither, The Faculty.. etc? all these shows have something in common. can you guess what is it?


They all have "alien" entities or forces which gains control over your body through the mind. and the result to that mind manipulation, is physical deformity, doing things youre not willing to do and ultimately -death, when they blow you up from the insude. its pretty disturbing to fathom and imagine what would happen if those things do occur in RL (real life). I mean, Ewwww... and ouch of course...

But, it does happen in our kidding. not to us, but to something we take for granted almost everyday. what are they?


this is a car's nightmare

Everyday, i mean EVERYDAY, in most parts of the Middle East, cars are turned into Carbombs, driven to a large crowds, Embassies (US Especially), some gatherings, even mosques. when they arrive at their destination, they blow up... just like those things that happen in the movie..

scarry though huh?


Blogger f-r3d said...

well.. i m afraid not too long in the future.. human will soon successfuly pull out human mind-control machine..
check that out

4:02 PM  
Blogger Killl_Roy said...

yeah, i read that post of yours when it was 1st published..

still pretty vague tho... and i really doubt those things will see practical use...not in the near future anyway..

i just pity those cars =/

4:20 PM  

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