Saturday, May 13, 2006

Fantastic Fantasies

have you ever imagined yourself having super-powers at some point of your life? maybe its a guy thing.. because i always do.

like if youre given a wish, a wish for anything at all and it will be granted by a genie or whatever, what would it be?

i want, physical and mental immortality :D

like how cool would that be? gettn powers like no amount of worldy damage can kill you. so then i ask myself, what would i do with these powers then?

ill tell you what i want to do

ill go have a blast!

these are the things i would do:

1) run in front of a speeding car and get hit, just before impact, get a good look at the drivers face and laugh my ass off. after that, play dead on the road (attempt to hold my laughter until later). when the ambulance comes, and puts me on a stretcher, jusr before they close the ambulance door on me i get up and run out of the vehicle! man thats gonna be hillarious!

2) id jump off tall tall buildins, hopefully land bear right infrontof them, but hopefully not ON them..dont wanna kill....yet.... stand up, dust my pants and shirt...whistle and walk off

3) id visit places no one can go..not even with the aid of technology... like get a very powerful cable and belay me down the Marianas Trench off the coast of the Philipine islands.. ill need a very powerful flashlight as well! hopefully i can find some ET friends that movie "The Abyss".

4) it sure would be fun to do a heist...except that i plan to get shot by the police.. and do the ambulance run away thing again.

5) id fucking kill people that i dont like..beginning with Jay Chou. (oh super strength is in my wish package xD)

6) probably lend my powers to scientists researching crap off some hostile area..pretty similar to point 3

7) if ive got a "distress detector" id go around and lend my invincibility too

8) this is a point i shouldve mentioned much earlier - id quit studying!!! and get money some way... becuase im invincible, i wont die of hunger or thrist, wont age either...ive got all the time to do whatever i want to do..

9) challenge God in a bareknuckle fight

10) do 1-9 all over again!

lol... such fathoms...

other super powers that are fun to get, in my opinion

-x-ray vision (ooooh kinky)
-super speed/reflexes
-elemental mastery (fire, water etc)
-invisibility (this would be crazy)
-apocalyptic powers (sometimes i really wished i had this)

no i havent watched X-Men...just a thought today as i saw an incoming bus..i suddenly had the urge to jump in its path


Blogger f-r3d said...

lol if i have a choice(or more).. to possess any kind of superpower of my liking.. I will never choose immortality or something close to that.. i just doesnt like the whole "godmode" thing.. what's the fun of it, when you are like god physically? (lol, m talking in a fantasy game-ish term tho)
For me, the ability to converse/tame animals/beasts, or the ability to conjure/materialize something just by my imagination or visualisation would be my ideal.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Killl_Roy said...

yeah, even while playing Quake or Doom or something, godmode isnt the best of all cheats..

hmmm beastial mastery would be fun too ;) but it only lasts that long.

what else what else?

10:50 AM  

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