Sunday, June 04, 2006


cars run on petrol, toys run on battery...people run on food?
talk about motivation, what motivates you?

To some its money, good pay etc.. the good returns for what they invest in. basically, doing stuff because the prospect is there.

Some do stuff because they are afraid. they have that fear of "not being able to do stuff". fear of prosecution for the failure. that motivates them to do something in a polished manner.

Some do stuff because they are told to. mindless zombies conscripted by socially constructed "rules", "norms" Obligations and "duties". they run on..ummn.. a treadmill...not going anywhere but spending the energy.

take studying for example..
the 3 types of "fuel" i mentioned above applies to that context.
some people study because they get good grades, graduate, get a good job with a good pay..okay sounds reasonable.

some people are afraid they cant deal with themselves if they do poorly in an exam. sounds reasonable to me as well. i mean failure is no sweet surrender.

zombies? ive met quite a few..they study just because they are told to. from parents etc.. not to critisize them, because it is "good for you" ultimately if you study hard. but you gotta know where youre going.

for me, i dont run on any of the 3 i just mentioned..

so what motivates me? to do, feel entertained, work let alone study.


i hate the idle mind. it feels like the walls from the inside of my head will collapse if i stay still. i constantly need psychological stimulation.

add this desease with the conscious mind of what youve gotta do (study) youve got yourself a nonstop studying machine =/

but i hate doing what i gotta do..thats why i always label myself "Free-Lance"...

but oh well, i gotta stop to studying i go..

so what motivates you?


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