Wednesday, August 13, 2008


You know the popular saying, well its not really a saying, But- its a general belief that women can multi-task better than men, or rather, some men cant multitask at all..

Multi-tasking can be applied to almost anything, anything that can be described as a "verb" can be multitasked... okay i just repeated myself.

what i really mean is, say, talking on the phone. when i talk on the phone, i cant use MSN or convey messages other than in the form of speech to anyone else. Nor can i read and talk at the same time.

When im going to class, things like this offen happen to me - i need to get my wallet from my room, but decided to brush my teeth 1st, so i brush my teeth, and after that when i walk into my room, i cant remember why i entered my room for, so i look around, found my pair of socks, and walk out... then thought "eh? my wallet", id then have to walk back in to get it.

after asking around for awhile, i also realized im not the only guy who have problems like these- alot of the guys ive "intervieweD" have to same woes as me.

Women on the otherhand, theyre like, multi-barreled tanks who can shoot at alot of targets at one time, a tank being a tank, it has threads as well, hence it can move AND shoot at multiple targets at the same instance.

Women can walk down a shopping isle, decide which tampons are the best value for money vs comfort, think about what to get in the next isle, paint their fingernails, talk on the phone and to their girlfriend next to them ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

is it just me? or is that a mighty powerful thing for someone to be able to accomplish?

Some women, can do their research essays, err researching i mean + write down notes + talk to me on msn + eating chips + again, on the phone with a friend + texting their moms and play Facebook games.

Of course, in their defence some men would say, the quality of the work done is mediocre, or downright bad. But in some instances my female peers have better results that i do, shops in a more effecient manner than me, can hold a more coherent conversation on the phone, write more complete text messages and have better painted fingernails than i do.

kudos id say.

However, there are somethings that annoy people, when they multitask when doing the task at hand..

Say, sex forexample.

again, through my very informal interviews, and even if i hadnt interviewed these people, its pretty much safe to say more men can achieve orgasm faster and easier than women. Some women, dont or never at all..

now i know what you girls are thinking...

"hes bad in bed!"
"small penis *makes a small gap between the indexfigner and the thumb*"
"bad breath"
"no momentum"
the list of excuses goes on.

but have they really thought about why? they cant get an orgasm?

if i could give my 2cents, id say women are multitasking.
Activities like sex, cant be multitasked.

Men, well, the typical male concentrates hard on what they do. they FOCUS at the matter at hand, or in this case, the girl under/above them. No wonder some men P-ME (its up to you to think what that abbv means), because they are so happy, or so aroused by the girl they are sleeping with, which is something the girl should be proud of, instead of giving him the cringing face or the *im going to bed* look.

Women on the other hand, when they DO it, they DO, other stuff as well..

well, not literrally speaking, they DO it in their mind.

"have i paid the bills yet?"
"do i look fat when im on top?"
"maybe ill suggest going under"
"oh shit i havent paid the bills"
"what if i get fine for late payment? that will mean i cant that pink purse i wanted! oh no! "
"hmm but the blue one looks better with my favourite top, and its cheapter too!"
"i think ill get the blue purse then, oh wait! my boyfriend DID pay the bills for me, so now what? should i get the pink? or the blue?"

*guy orgasms*

"what!? already?!"


i wouldnt have made this up of course, some comedian actually did a sketch quite similiar to the example i just gave. i think i just plagiarised. but since i did mention, maybe its not plagiarism!


i wouldnt have said this without substantial proof. id say, its tested, and prooven that if you keep your mind OFF the matter at hand, ie. the partner your having an intimate moment with, you can REALLY delay the climax.

So, thats some multitasking skills a GUY needs and the same skill GIRLS should forget about.


Blogger benlim said...

lol i like the sex part

1:03 AM  

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