Saturday, October 01, 2005


From the trailers ive seen before watching the movie STEALTH, this title caught my eye. and since i had the chance of gettin near a cinema today, i decided to watch it along with 2 of my movie budds.

and i have to tell you, again this movie has quite a slow start, but it is a good thing because the universe which the story is based in is entirely new to the audiences. unlike Chronicles of Riddick, StarWars and Harry Potter and such, no one knows about what has happened before the movie. took me abit of time to actually know whats going on itself.

almost 90% of the entire movie is computer generated, quite a polished job if you ask me, but there are certain scenes where you can catch the glitch of it all. but overall its okay. the scenes which are NOT digitally done, are places of familiarity. like the southern deserts of America, some even smack out of the Hollywood studios. quite a "turn-down" actually. but still doesnt affect the movie's entertainment as a whole nonetheless.

not gonna go into the plot, because i really think its a worthwhile title. 3 tthings i can say about this movie- its ass kicking, gut busting and "hillariously" funny if you ask me. i have the audiences in that same cinema as me as testament. :)

really enjoyed the show and FOR ONCE! FINALYY! after the credits rolled out, the audience ACTUALLY CLAPPED with me!! and i am not the retard for once for clapping alone somewhere at the back!


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