Tuesday, November 29, 2005

To Cast The Dye

this morning i woke up and said to myself "wow, i feel retarded". so i did what all retarded people would do- doing stuff without thinking it 1st.

i went to the saloon and said "i want to highlight my hair", she replied "what colour?" and i said "whatever you think suits my face and skin complexion best" she went like.."mmm okay.."

the colour she choose was blonde

the whole procedire was jsut weird, she started by putting a giant condom over my head, which had little pores around them. then used a miniature pitch fork and picked out strands of hair thru those pores. and dyed just the outside..thus highlighting..

she later dyed my whole head with a lighter colour because gold-on-black isnt as elegant as waht most people think.

took a few picture of my head but couldnt get my self to post it up here...so this is just a heads up to the people who see me on a regular basis...dont freak out aye? its still the same old me with quite, a radical changeover.


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