came across a very interesting blog page the other day, dedicated to defame bad engreish and a sub group of "trendy people" from Singapore. from there, i got this link (http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=22265789)
prepare to get "cock-eyed"!
if you have time for sadistic jokes in good-english visit www.retardpatrol.blogspot.com.
disclaimer (gosh ive been doing this alot lately): author of this post cannot be helded responsible for any physical or psychological damaged caused by reading the posts linked above. kthxbye
prepare to get "cock-eyed"!
if you have time for sadistic jokes in good-english visit www.retardpatrol.blogspot.com.
disclaimer (gosh ive been doing this alot lately): author of this post cannot be helded responsible for any physical or psychological damaged caused by reading the posts linked above. kthxbye
gosh.. that post is horribly funny.. and that friendster acc is just freaky.. not just wrong engreish.. but horrible mandarin as well.. as there's some errors in the mandarin characters on her pic.. -.-
yeah that website is hillarious as hell..but extremely bias =p
that's the whole point of the site
that's the whole point of the site
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