Thursday, April 06, 2006

Interpret This

i just woke up from a very tiresome dream...ran half a marathon and what not? broke into a bank using a hammer to chip away the bullet proof glass, evade the sleeping gas released after an intrusion was detected...

but perhaps 2 of the most intriguing part of that long and conplicated dream was...

I, i slept within that dream. i remembered crawling into a large bag that was suspended at the end of two chairs, i put on one of my favourite jackets... i told the last person to get into "bed" to shut the lights (i think it was one of my sisters) and when the lights went out, i slept....and i dreamt, within a dream.

how did i know i was dreaming? because the memories of those dreams were even more vague, and i did wake up back into where i crawled into the suspended bag. it was cold, and i couldnt tell where i was.

the next thing about my dream was, we (a coupld of "friends" and i) were stuck in a 1970s communist russia like trainstation. there were a few of us and all of us were trying to escape.

i was then SOMEHOW /recruitedincluded into the police, i wore a large trench coat and it was,,,green in colour. the yellowish-green. where im sure the rest wernt Russians, and yes, i had a gun. it was a 6shooter..revolver of sorts. i had a maple-like handle, and the body was silver/bronze in colour. i could feel the weight of it even now. the few of my "friends" are now on the otherside. and i was policing THEM. and to my surprise, Jadyn was one of them. she stood amongst the crowd, waiting for a break (to no where) and when the slightest opportunity came, she and my ex-friends ran for the door. but their attempts were quickly subdued.

they were not completely harmless either for they have somehow came across ssome certain explosives and will threaten to detonate them. as we encircled Jadyn and her friends, i aimed my pistol.....dead center between the eyes.

i felt no guilt, nor fear.

she stared back at me, or at the barrel i couldnt be sure. with the eyes saying "you woldnt dare".

i lowered the pistol, and shot her twice in the right tigh....

i later shot one of her guy friends in the temple.

he had short brown hair, was medium built, and about 175cm tall.. dont know who was that but he seemed to be quite close to Jadyn.

All she did was lay before his corpse. and she didnt utter a word. not even a tear. but she did clung to his body as it lay lifeless facing the metallic ceilling above.

i felt... no remorse...

ill probably go back there tonight and finnish the job


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