Saturday, September 01, 2007

Battle of the Ego

If you want the sun to rise from the East and set in the West, then that’s great! It’s bloody awesome when THE celestial body works in the way you want it to; But, what about the people who wants it otherwise? One can’t just “make” the sun spin the other direction, especially not when it has been doing what it is doing now for the past few millennia. Regardless of what the sun had been doing or has been, it will not change its course just because someone willed it to be. Many holy scriptures and writing all prophesized that when the sun goes the other way round, (or us going the other way round) it is a sure sign of our apocalypse.

So then, with that image now in hand, we size down its scale, to mere human proportions. Can someone change its personality, way, beliefs, ego and so forth, by just, simply “willing” it?

The answer is - obviously not.

The human mind, grows through nurture, there is no doubt about that, but before nurture could even enroot itself in a human being, nature was there all along, since the very beginnings of that person’s life.

Of course, the word “nature” is a very intangible thing, but at the same time its presence is so asserted in us that we forget that it actually even existed. This is the mistake made most by men and women alike- the human species if you like… to exclude my tendency to quantify my language. So, those who are aware of It (nature) will more or less be humbled by Its awesome force. Unless they are egotistical maniacs- which really isn’t an impossibility, because I have known people like that, in fact I was once one such a bastard. But that is not my contention for writing this post.

So nature, it is all around us; it is INSIDE us. So who better knows your nature, than yourself?

(leaving traces of my ego-manic past) – I know MY nature. And it is such. And so it is written…

“I believe that there are certain things in the world that cannot co-exist. The presence of one would mean oblivion to the other.

Let me illustrate my point with two words- “Blood type”.
Of course there are exceptions to which blood receives and which blood accepts, but the mere fact that there are exceptions to which combination, clearly demonstrates my theory.

So if two things are not compatible, they are just what they are. No matter how much you believe it, no matter how much you will it, no matter how much you WANT it,

…Some things just don’t sway your way…”

I have learnt that fact long ago. It's High time you realize the same.


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