Monday, June 22, 2009


I had this random thought born out of idleness.

"My Death will be swift". Not dying in my sleep, but dropping dead just like that.

No im not depressed, just...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Many Similes

Its like, a man without eyelids, staring into the the burning light of a thousand suns. The skin chars and the lung scorches with heat of hellfire, but worse the light that illuminates blinds the very beholder.

Its like, biting down a loaf of meat, bred full of maggots, which squirm into your every orifice. some makes way into your mind, and relentlessly chew on your already rotting brain, leaving nothing but their excrement, and that which becomes your world.

Its like, running on brimstone, where your feet is overcome with fatigue and tire, so much you long to sit and rest, but if you do, it is your bosoms that needlessly endure the punishment. The only relief then, is to keep running as hell is indeed, clapping at your heels.

Its like, bathing in blood, where the stains on your body is purified by the lives, sins and tears of others.

Its like, your lips become your ears, where every note, sound or scream you make is channeled straight into your mind, ricocheting, bouncing, resonating and reverberating in your skull that is the drum for all eternity.

Its like you wail in pain to silence those voices, but all it does is amplify the sound, trapped, circling your thoughts for all eternity.

Its like, drinking water that is desert sand, you thirst for relief and take gulps and gulps in hopes to vanquish the scorching sensation, yet despite all the effort your throat burns with the intensity of the same thousand suns. Drowning in your own burning misery, the only comfort is to suffer the ravaging thirst.

Its like, spitting against the wind.

Its like, watching your brother bleed out his life in all haplessness, when it was you who drove that dagger in his heart.

Its like, cursing the bright full moon for all its eeriness when it is the sun who provides its mortifying glow.

Its like, likening your mirror image with something you have never seen the likes of before.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Emptiness in Enrichment

Herein lays a man, without company, without friends.
His sorrow heard but not attended, his regret felt by some, but not amended.
Unsolicited words and voices inaugurated themselves, unremittingly in his resenting conscience.
Uninvited rites of passage imposed on his weary body, which holds his future in suspense.
Will he bear these wounds wrecked upon him in absolute silence?
Or should this man wail or cry with heaven-trembling violence?
Herein lays a soul, full of sin, full of woe.
Surrounded by others lost, not found, and many more whose allegiance among friend or foe-
Is not yet known.
Would one sing a song for it to finally repose it of its existence?
Or should you continue to be impartial, disinterestedly sit on that fence,
To watch in glee this wandering essence, persist in its itinerant journey to lands unmapped?
Or would you light a fire to aid the wanderer guide its own path?
Or would you deprive what was granted to you in Prometheus’ aftermath,
To know this drifting soul gropes with perils in the dark.