Monday, October 29, 2007


A: Say, i dont know what happened but theres a pimple on my scrotum sac. it hurts like hell.

B: dude, are you sure?

A: yeah it looks like a pimple to me

B: dude. its technically and physically impossible for a pimple to grow on your scrotum sac.

A: oh...fuck....

P/S: purely fictatious

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The First Tear Drops

The flat surface of an empty wooden table was more fascinating than what was going through your mind. you scratch the smooth surface with your fingernails. the duo sung a morbid tune. funnily, it was soothing to your flaring ears. the feeling of your hair being tugged by your hand too, was surprisingly comforting. the pain from thousands of strands of hair peeling away from your skull, somehow liberates pressure from your mind. you wonder how much more do you have to pull before the matter from your mind leaves your skull by oozing out through the infinitely small pores created by what once held the thousand black stalks, people called "hair" in place.

you cry.

the tears were bitter yet sweet. it was a novel feeling since you could not remember how it felt like, let alone taste like. you lash out your tongue, and lick the drop that fell nearest to your lips. it tasted devilishly divine, so pleasant and at the same time, so destructive it had almost made you smile...

...but it didnt. maybe you needed another sample. once again you lick the next tear that rolled down your cheeks. this one, different from the first - had no taste. you ponder for a split second to why is that so, but your thoughts could not reach a conclusive conclusion. despairing the fact you were unable to feel again, that novel feeling, that novel taste, to be able to decipher what caused that pleasure and at the same time what had caused your pain - you cried more.

the tears that followed were the same as the last; tasteless and miserable.
seeing that there was no longer any joy in tearing, you stop. and yearn for new sensations.
time passed. so much infact, you forgot how crying felt once more. you fork out your tongue and thristily lash at the first tear drop, and there it was again.
the feeling was like a flash surge, overwhelming you completely and then left as quickly as it

once again, you are left there, on that desk, fingers still on the table only now it's surface is raked by you. the few strands of hair litter the place. you give them a quick hush and they all scurried away from you;like a colony of startled rats, and fell of the table.

once again, you sat alone, fingers still on the table...
...waiting for the next, first, teardrop to fall...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Don Quixote

I want to be a meow cat meow
One that could purr and growl
could I be a Tabby? orange and cuddly?
Or an Ocelot that huntsalot.

I shall jump from roof to tree
and tree to thee.
I shall perch on curtain rails;
or a ceiling fan if that fails.

I shall bask under the sun
Or on hay stacks in a barn
I shall sleep like I am free
and go where my dreams bring me

I am Don Quixote reborn
His vision intact and untorn
I fence the villians I meet
and save the Maiden from the Keep

I slay the monsters in my traverse
even when the odds are adverse
Then I wake from my victorious nap
on my loving associate's lap

I stretch and let out a fiersome yawn
as I meet Dusk's Dawn
I then rub at my keeper's feet
to tell them its my time to feed.

It is luxury to live such a worryless life,
but yet experience adverture and strife.
It would truly be a Heaven Sent,
to live the life of my Feline Friend.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

An Alternative Narration of the Ten Plagues of Egypt

Recently I got to see a film called “The Reaping”. First of all Id like to say that this movie is good. I wont spill the plot at all but it involved the Ten Plagues which most of us are familiar with. If you had watched the show “The Prince of Egypt” by Disney I think (The one Malaysia banned right off the bat because it had religious connotations and the government was afraid it would affect the fragile balance of our religious beliefs) *roll eyes*. You should have a fair idea on what the Ten Plagues and Ten Commandments are.

Other older shows like “The Ten Commandments” had also put the Ten Plagues of Egypt as their cornerstone and highlight of the show.

So anyway, The DVD I rented featured a scientific documentary that explained in a scientific (and I mean archeological, sociological and historical) light.

The Ten Plagues happened circa 1500B.C. one of the biggest, or arguably THE BIGGEST natural phenomenon that had also happened around that time was the eruption of a massive volcano located in the Mediterranean region. This eruption, or more like explosion was so huge, it had swept volcanic ash all the way to Egypt, some thousands of miles away.

So began the Ten Plagues.

The First plague (I apologize I cant remember the order of the plagues)
The Bloodied River.

It was believed that Moses had turned the entire Nile River, red of blood, as a defiant act against the Pharaoh. First of all, no one would know if the river was indeed filled with blood because they lacked the scientific equipment or knowledge (arguably) to test if the blood was indeed blood. So modern day scientists worked on that uncertainty.

It is widely known today, that Algae is the source of sustenance for aquatic life since they are at the bottom of the food chain. Different levels of acidity in the water, affects the way algae behaves. And since algae is the lowest in the Nile River’s food chain, it affects everything above.

The volcanic eruption might have caused the PH levels of the Nile to change dramatically. This is evident because the soot samples drilled from the river bed was compared to the volcano in the Mediterranean that had erupted during that time, and they were identical.

This change in PH levels had caused the algae to bloom in an explosive manner, stretching for miles and miles both upstream and downstream. And no surprise there, the colour of blooming algae – is Blood Red.

The change of PH levels triggered a cascade of events. The blooming algae then produced toxins due to its biological functions in the massive loads. These toxins were released in such high amounts and at a rapid rate- the ecosystem in the river was affected so severely most of the animals died.

And the animal that mattered most – was fish.

The sudden decimation of thousands of fish had allowed what was at the bottom of the food chain bloom. In this case – Frogs.

The Second Plague
The Rain of Frogs

One single frog can lay eggs up to the hundreds. They have such a high production rate because most of the tadpoles gets eaten by fish. Since the fishes are no longer allowed, we can assume the frogs reproduced at a success rate of 100%.

One frog = 100 eggs
100 frogs = 10,000 eggs

And so forth.

So the Nile River suddenly exploded with frogs. So much, it would definitely seem like it had rained frogs the night before once they had reached a mature age. No doubt with such a dense population of frogs, the whole lot will die of starvation and inter-species competition.

Thousands upon thousands of frogs then beached up the shores of Egypt, and died.

The Third Plague
The Plague of Gnats

First of all the word “Gnat” was loosely translated as Live of Fleas.

With hygiene levels dropping like dominos lined in unison due to the animal carcasses from the river, the human body now deprived of cleanliness becomes a hotbed for parasites like lice and fleas.

The Fourth Plague
The Plague of Flies

The thousands of frog corpses don’t fly to heaven. Flies eat them, and lay their eggs in these thousands of frog carcasses. Again, we have the frog equation.

No frogs, millions of flies.

These flies then reproduced and reproduced at a rate it would seem unnatural. A Plague so it would seem. Its not hard to imagine the scale of it all.

The Fifth Plague
Diseased Lifestock

The flies that had hatched from the frog corpses were vast in numbers. Now the remaining question is – What type of flies?

It was held that Stable Flies (the ones that hang around stables hence the name) were the common species of flies in Egypt at the time. Being such a successful civilization, a city like Egypt is bound to have massive amounts of livestock.

What is so special about stable flies you might ask, stable flies are special because they bite…

…and their bites are not pleasant. It leaves an open wound and the wound then puts the victim in a series of dangers. The most prominent one is infection.

Remember the water from the Nile has been so contaminated of corpses of fish and frogs now that it is toxic to both humans and beast. Livestock, cows in particular drink up to 12 gallons of water per day. And in a water-ravaged land such as Egypt, the main source of water would be the Nile River.

It is no surprise they get Diseased and then die off shortly after.

The Sixth Plague

Keeping in mind hygiene levels are at an all time low, now affected with lice, its no better being a human than a cow in 1500BC Egypt. Now dehydrated, starving and dirty, ancient Egyptians were open as targets for disease and illness. The Boils could be caused by scratching of the skin due to dehydration and the lice infestation. (1st and 3rd plague)

It could be infected wounds caused by the stable flies from the 4th plague, and who knows what diseases all the cow carcasses (5th plague) had exposed their ex-human captors to.

It could be caused by either of the plagues that had preceded this 6th plague; it could be all of them.

The Seventh Plague

We return to the volcanic eruption. Thousands of tones of dust were shot up into the air during the eruption and had by now inched their way to Egypt. The dusts acts as a medium of sorts (forgot what the term was) that had enabled water droplets to form rapidly and quickly. These super-formed rain then fell as ice. Or hail.

With the sudden change in air density and moisture, lightning rolled down the skies at what seemed to be in supernatural proportions.

Hail, wind and rolling lightning. It is not an uncommon sight in places constantly ravaged by storms like this. Southern USA had seen the better of phenomenon’s such as these.

One must understand the history of Egypt when being revealed this demystification. Egypt is a dry place with very infrequent rains and thunder. All of a sudden, they are exposed to weather like this due to a volcano (Don’t think any Egyptians of the time knew what a volcano was either, I bet if they had saw one erupt, it would be in the Bible or any other writings as god’s work too).

So all these events were seen by the ancient Egyptians as the Seventh Plague – Hail of Ice and Fire.

The Eight Plague

The 7th plague had now passed. All the hail have melted into the ground and the land was now drenched in water. Locusts from the surrounding deserts of Africa are attracted to moist ground because they lay their eggs 4 inches in the soil, and the soil has to be moist enough for their egg laying devices to penetrate.

The land was now made rich by the previous storm and locusts, swarm to greet this fertility.

And this event is then know as the 8th plague.

The Ninth Plague

Now there are 3 possible events that had occurred in that time that would’ve caused this “plague”.

One, and this may be a little far fetched, but the locusts that had migrated into Egypt was so vast in numbers they blocked out the sun.

Two, there had been a sun eclipse

Three, now this is the most plausible one-
, the volcanic ash had now finally reached Egypt descended upon them. other volcanic events that had happened in other places such as the Philippines and Indonesia had that similar result – Darkness.

Pure darkness - Eyewitness accounts say that they can’t see their fingers out stretched before them due to all the dust and ash. It had literally blocked out the sun.

The Tenth Plague
Death of the Firstborn

To be able to answer this myth, one must appreciate the sociological norms of ancient Egypt. In the land of the pharaohs, the firstborn is very special – they are the heirs to the throne so they say. Their wellbeing and health is paramount in almost all Egyptian households, it is this very reason that the firstborn were the target victims of this plague. The Israelites might have a different norm than the Egyptians, therefore it would appear as if they had been “spared” of this wrath.

With all the 9 previous plagues in effect, or had came to pass, the wheat, grain and livestock were all destroyed. What the Egyptians had left were food stored in previous months. Food that were capable of being stored includes grain and perhaps preserved meat.

The storm had perhaps caused the moisture in the air to rise to such levels it had breached whatever containers that had been used to store grain. Mould had probably contaminated the grain, rendering it poisonous to the person who ingested it.

The same goes for preserved meat. Meat that was previously sun-dried had now retained some moisture, allowing flies and the likes to lay eggs inside them.

The ones that had eaten these contaminated food grew ill extremely quickly, added the fact they were already starving, dehydrated and unhygienic to begin with.

And being perhaps the “most-important” member of the family, the firstborn, ate the most.

So it seemed that all the ten plagues can be addressed using science and that the victims are not as specific as what Moses had depicted.

Again we look to the sociological norms and psyche of the Hebrews of the time.

There were no, qualifying or quantitative terms at the time. everything, was absolute.
Words like “All”, “everything”, “everyone”, “the land” “the people” are just a few examples used in Biblical writings. The word “All” was repeated over 50 times in each of the pages describing the ten plagues.

This raises some skepticism even in the least cynic minded of readers.

Say for example, if All the Egyptian livestock were killed, and ALL the Israelite’s one spared, what would have happened?

The Egyptians would have either raided the Israelite’s stables and butchered their livestock for themselves, OR

The entire Egyptian population would have been wiped out. Assuming the locusts had also eaten ALL the wheat and grain.

Imagine starving a million population city. Kill all the McDonalds and Burger King and Wendys in Manhattan Island alone for 2 days and I bet you my faith ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE.

What about the splitting of the Red Sea? Some of you may ask. In the documentary It was explained as well

Moses and his gang, might not have crossed the Red Sea. Because walking across the span of hundreds of miles is ridiculous. Do you know what will happen to the ecosystem of an ocean if you split it in half for half a day?

They might have mistaken the Red Sea, for Reed Sea. Its another sub-submerged piece of swampland, and at low tide is possible for humans to wade across. And wamptland would wreck havoc on the Pharaoh’s chariot if he had opted to pursue Moses and his people. again another “miracle”.

Other writings such as Noah’s Ark also have scientific and archeological explanations. The events really did happen, as in the flood and the boat, just not at the scale of which it was portrayed.

But I shall leave that for another post. Im taking too much time writing this already.

Anyway, believe what you please, I was just shown an alternative side to the story and would like to share with you this little piece of info.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Lol and Lol again


Muslims get guidebook for space
Sunday Oct 7 08:59 AEST
Malaysia has come up with the world's first comprehensive guidebook for Muslims in space as its first astronaut prepares to go into orbit.
The book, entitled Guidelines for Performing Islamic Rites at the International Space Station, teaches the Muslim astronaut how to perform ablutions, determine the location of Mecca when praying, prayer times, and how to fast in space, the Star newspaper reported on Saturday.
"The reason we formulated guidelines for Muslims in space is because we wanted to ensure our astronaut could fully concentrate on his mission, without having to worry about how he should perform his religious obligations in space," Abdullah Md Zin, a minister for religious affairs, was quoted as saying.
The 18-page guidebook will be translated into English, Russian, Arabic and possibly more languages for the benefit of future Muslim astronauts, he said.

Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, an orthopaedic surgeon and university lecturer from Kuala Lumpur, will leave Earth from Kazakhstan's Baikonur launchpad for Russia's International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday.
The 34-year-old Malaysian has said he will try to observe as much of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in orbit as possible. The lunar month, during which Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, is due to end around October 13.
Saudi Prince Sultan bin Salman, who was the first Muslim in space, had said that although he managed to pray and fast, he was not able to face towards Mecca and could not fully kneel on the ground.

I read this and i "lol"ed... then remembering a conspiracy of sorts... about why they had to pray 5 times aday and always facing their holy land.... cant remember tho, so i did a quick google search, and this came up...

this guy said what i wanted to say with respect to this news article, and more. but he was abit aggresive tho... so, read with extreme prejudice...err..


Once were warriors:Why Islam failed Muslims

p/s: i did a copy paste no-jitsu but they didnt include, its better if you visit the link instead of having the need of me posting it here.

Friday, October 05, 2007

/w Moe

update pls

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Over a Glass of Latte

While waiting for my car tyres to be fitted on, i walked up to N.Hobart and had my lunch and a glass of latte as dessert.

The weather was pure shit. the sun was shining mighty bright but it was pouring. the sky might as well drop feces all over us, has the same effect anyway- it pisses the hell out of everyone.
It was a boring, dreadful day since the weather didnt do anything to lift our miseries.
Then, something caught my eye....

across the street, a champagne colored BMW pulled over for a side park. what was interesting at first was that, you dont usually see a bimmer in that colour. it suits a mercedes benz alittle bit more. what was even more interesting was, soon after it parked, a young girl... id say prolly 19-20 years old jumped out.

she had long blonde hair, streaming down her back. the colour slightly lighter than what the car was donned in.

she didnt look Australian, my guess is Italy, Germany or France (the likes, /centralwestern EU). she then walked into a bakery, walked out shortly after with a bag, jumped back in her car and drove off.

it hit me.

it hit me in a weird spot. not that she was a pretty girl, no doubt she was; its not because of the fact she drives a BMW, which im very fond of and drive one myself. its not the colour, its not anything. funny now that i try to reiterate it in words, its so difficult. but i swear i had my moment of clarity when i saw this whole situation unfolded before my eyes across the street.

my this "moment of clarity" - was very haizy. Haizy because, i dont know what i want to do with my life.

sure enough im studying law, not doing a very good job i admit, but i remember having this drive for it. some people would label me as "eccentric" or even down right "weird" "special" or "impractical" in all manners of my ways, but there is one thing that i live upon... one thing in my life, so magnificient in magnitude i have become so dependant on it and without it, i could feel my life whither away (much of which is happening right now).

this substance; this "cup of life" my passsion.

i had passion for law. i had passion for arts. i had passion for whatever it is which ive embarked upon because whatever that i didnt journey on- i had no passion for it.

so why did this girl remind me my passion? maybe because she was European.
i remembered imagining myself as a European. what if? i was born a European? would things be different? sure it would be, but the fundamental question is "how? different?"

in what ways? will i have EVEN more passion than i have now? or had, just now?

would money, mean much to me? (make no mistake, it means alot to me now, thats why im seeking for a career in law) would i be raised with the mind set of "study hard in primary school so you can get into a good secondary school, then study even more to get into a university and study even more to get good grades and get lotsa job recommendations and be bright to start your own buisness and earn so much money you might as well print your own cash so you can enjoy life..." at the age of 55 when arthritis and heart failure and lung cancer to say the least, starts to kick in....

having said that above, id like to make it clear that this is a very typical chinese mindset, and having said that, i did say it was "typical" and it doesnt represent the entire chinese race.

so, where am i? a yellow blooded Chinese longing to be a romantic French? a passionate Italian? or a Savvy German?

make no mistake either, im not dishing my parents for the way i have been brought up, i just had this thought.... all of a sudden....

over a glass of latte.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Conversations of the Universe




“I was just wondering, is it weird? In Australian Culture to say ‘I love you’?”

“What? *chuckles* no! well I guess it’s fine if you mean it, why?”

“I don’t know, its just that, you’ve never really said it to me before. Like, said it to me on your own accord.”

“oh, I love you~”*grin*

“it doesn’t work that way! You have to say it when I least expect it”

“oh okay okay, i'll say it next time”




“There, now, would be a good time”
