Thursday, July 26, 2007

Internet Empathy

This email was sent to me by Richard, I a response to my post "The Internet" a few days back.

It's one of those stories that not the entire internet is full of hatred.

I often play PUGs, and I encounter a lot of bad players on the opposite team. But, I just can't take it when they're female gnomes. I have a heart, and it just feels so bad killing those small buggers, especially around christmas times.My story begins with me playing my shaman. I run up to a female gnome mage and slay her without her being able to do anything. Now I do this another 5-6 times and that poor female gnome mage is like the only alliance who dares to step outside their flagroom (EVERYONE DEFEND FTW!)

It is a really bad player, I don't even have to try very hard and could just autoattack kill the poor female gnome. She tries to channel fireballs, I ES and she wont even channel another fireball before my ES is ready again. She never silences and overall she's like one of the worst players I ever seen. (but at least she tries to move out from the flagroom and WIN the game!)So, I just can't take it anymore.

I see that gnome mage running up to me for like the 7-8th time and I look at the scoreboard, the mage got like 0 HKs and 10 deaths. She starts channeling a fireball and I just let it hit me. And let another fireball hit me. She doesn't have very good gear, it's noticable - still decent gear though. I hit her 2-3 times, with windfury deactivated to not get some lucky instant killing WF crits.And I die after a time.

I don't know why. Somehow in my mind I see this dad, who actually plays the character, who sits with his kid and lets him play. Because it was really THAT bad play, slow reactions and everything.And that female gnome.. I just couldn't.I respawn again, the score is 2-0 at this time and we're really dominating the game. The female gnome, who still is the only alliance stepping out of the flagroom, is now in our base, running VERY slowly and stopping on every corner. Which only makes me believe even more it's a someone showing a small kid the game. Move around the corner, standing still for a few seconds, move a bit further.The only reason she managed to get this far, was because all other 9 hordes are killing the defenders in their flagroom.

I follow the gnome (looking at the female gnome around the corners by rotating my camera) slowly into our flagroom. She entered our base from the ramp, and from entering it took probably 1 minute to get into our flagroom - which for a "normal" player takes a few seconds tops.Now she stands in front of our flag, totally still. Nothing happening for 10 seconds, and in my mind I'm so sure that it's the dad saying "Good kid, now rightclick on this flag and run fast back to our base!". I'm so sure of it, I can't believe anyone who's level 60 can play this badly and move around so slow if they level hours & days by themselves.She picks up the flag, and I run in. Hey, can't have them capture without having to fight for it. The female gnome mage stops, looks at me for a bit and after 4-5 seconds starts channeling a fireball.

After a epic battle of attempting to make it look like a epic battle, she brings me down. She slowly moves closer to my corpse, then a bit closer and then loots my corpse. She turns around, stands there 3-4 seconds before she runs the 10 yards to reach the tunnel in our flagroom. Stands still another 4 seconds then she turns facing the tunnel and after another 3 seconds she starts running forward.I'm so sure now, but no matter - a player that bad and who's the only one who actually is trying to win the game needs to be rewarded for the fighting spirit."

/bg Hey guys, the one who picked up our flag is a friend of mine, it's his little kid playing. He loves this game and is it ok if we let him score 1 time to make a little kid happy? It's christmas week after all."

Ok, it's a lie. I don't know the guy, and I don't know if it's a kid. It can just as well be a really bad player. But believe it or not, the brutal hordes all show a great heart. The female gnome runs through the middle to their tunnel, which takes probably a 3 minutes.

The hordes are all ganking people who's defending their flagroom now, it's actually quite a slaughter. All of the hordes, including me, are in their flagroom killing everyone trying to get in there.

Then our favorite gnome comes running into the room, she almost hits the glasswindow straight ahead before he stop. Waits 3 seconds, turns 90 degrees to 3 seconds later walk straight into the middle of the room. He walks a bit to far to the west, so it takes another 3 seconds and he moves backwards a few steps with all the hordes watching. She turns around facing their flag. Moves forward, stops for a second, then moves forward again and the female gnome mage captures the horde flag!

Horde picks up the respawning flag and runs back to the base with a female gnome mage untouched shooting fireballs after them. Some people stops to /wave and /dance with the female gnome mage, and let her kill them - as she don't have the speed to keep up with the flag carrier.

Horde wins 3-1, but one little happy mage ended 4th in killing blows (among alliance) with her 8 KBs and 17 deaths.Maybe it wasn't a kid playing, maybe it was a handicapped person, maybe it was a regular person watching TV while playing, or maybe someone who just opened a ebay account.

I have no clue.But I had a merry christmas.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The World as my Body

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Greatest Outlaw in Australia...

...well, not really...

so after 4 freaking hours of lectures, I got a call from Johnny saying he needs groceries, so i went up to Mt Nelson to pick him and Louis up and off to woolies we went... a couple of other errands around Sandy Bay and were off back to home...

I bought myself some chinese take away that smelled heavenly (or maybe because i was famished at that time) and i really wanted to chow down A.S.A.P, like "Right now muthafucker A.S.A.P"not the "i think i can hold out abit longer A.S.A.P".

so there i was travelling along Sandy Bay towards home and i noticed a couple of cars going really slowly, literally hogging the road... at that point my belly said "smoke the muthafuckers"; my brain said, "yeah do it... butdo it in a legal manner tho", so i sped up to 60kmph

then it was right there and then a blackleather suit dude jumped onto the middle of the road and pointed at me this black thing that resembled a toy gun... not a glock 17 or a barretta toy gun, it was huge and looked like something Invader Zim from Mars would use.

i was like "muthafucking bogan!"

but this blackleather suit guy, was no bogan...

....he was a copper...

BAM! busted for speeding.

my legal instincts kicked in like a straight up in the nose cocaine shot.

"defense defense defense", my mind chanted.
alas, theres not many things you can defend yourself against a speeding ticket...
but i thought id try anyway...

Trick #1: the mistake defense
1st of all, in order for this defense to work, it has to be a mistake of fact, not law. so saying i mustve mistaken the speed limit for this area (which is usually 60 but was 40 during school hours) is a no go... because 40kmph is law, not a matter of fact.

HOWEVER, because of the varying speed limits for the different times, time now becomes a fact. 230-400pm is 40, and some hours in the morning, the rest of the day its 60.

"i usually dont come home around this hour officer...therefore i drove at 60" said I.
he said "you must keep your eyes up and pay attention to the signs and when the speed limit operates"

BAM! defense failed. my mistake of fact could easily be "un-mistaked" if i looked at the road signs.

what else couldve worked?
Trick #2: Neccessity

I was so fuckn hungry i need to eat RIGHT NOW (at home) that if i dont i'll die of gastrict attacks....

errr.... 1st of all, neccessity isnt a defense for criminal conduct, nor is it in ordinary statute law; its in torts. and because no damage was done, this defense has half-failed.

Trick #3: Automatism
all the crown has to prove to convict someone of speeding is at the time of the incursion, the driver is willingly driving, or voluntarily driving the motor vehicle. (motor vehicle is defined in the definitions section of the code).

the only way to bypass it, is to prove that at the time the driver was caught speeding, he was driving involuntarily... so the onus switches from the crown to the driver..

you could say that, you are insane... and you dont know that your driving... but thats the defense of insanity... and its rarely used... its usually used by people who are so desperate theyd rather to go an asylum rather than a jailhouse should they play this insane card..

Automatism, is abit like Insanity, but its different in a sense that its a temporary state, induced by a physical, external element.

so a concussion from a football in a football game prior to driving that caused the driver certain ailements that made him speed, under the effects of medicinal drugs or getting stung by a bee at the time the speed limit was exceeded would normally acquit the offender from charges....

so... hmmm if i were to rely on that defense id need to establish
1. i wasnt dirivng voluntarily at the time i was caught

2. building onto point 1, the reason of it was because i was induced by some external element
a. element has to be physical.
b. element has to be external.

I wasnt stung by a bee....
Johnny didnt hit me at the time i sped...

i could say receving my scores from the faculty was quite daunting... but thats a mental element, not physical...

i've got nothing in this defense : /

so i went with Trick #1. but nonetheless it didnt work...


Readers Notice:
I have used vulgarities and name-calling in this post to "spice-up" my writting. I do not mean any disrespect whatsoever to the law nor the executive members of the government namely the respected Police Force of Australia.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

(Due to Legal Reasons I've Changed the Title of this Post)

(... and certain contents of this page so I wont be sued for anything)

items contained herein are re-enactments of what i've personally experienced. Names resembling real persons, dead or alive and names resembling institutions are purely a coincidence. they are not used as validation to this story. other "facts" that you may see in this post are for entertainment and educational purposes only.

Yesterday was my 1st day practicing as a lawyer, and I did a shit job. Well, considering the fact that I was only short of a law degree…

The case was heard in the Faculty of Law -yers
Residing judge: Chalmers J

And the defendant my client: me.

The defendant Mr. Roy See Wz was accused of breaching the codes stated within the student ordinances of University of Tasmania.

The relevant provisions in the code are: Possession of unauthorized materials in the examination room to gain advantage against other students in which the rights to do so were not granted.

The said unauthorized materials are: LAW 224 Criminal Law Synopsis

Crime: cheating.

The defendant was aware of the provisions in the student ordinances but it did not occur to him that his copy of the Criminal Law synopsis was prohibited.

The Defense: It was not the defendant’s intention, in fact it never was his intention to carry out the alleged offense. Although the defendant initially had doubts as were the synopsis was a prohibited material, the levels of stress suffered by the defendant just before a semester examination have affected his capacity to make clear judgments hence his capacity to take reasonable action such as query the validity of the synopsis, or whether the synopsis was indeed prohibited material.

As aforementioned, due to the high stress levels the defendant failed to take such preemptive measures resulting in the breach of the student ordinances.

As a law student the defendant should have a higher level of awareness and also a higher level of sensitivity to rules, regulations and in this case- ordinances. The fact that the prohibited material was on the defendant’s desk at the time it was seized is an undeniable fact that the defendant may have relied on it to gain an un-rightful advantage in the examination over other students.

Although the defendant argued that it is not his intention to do so, the available evidences are compelling in the affirmative of the allegations.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Silence Before the Storm

it is now 2:55pm

my deepest apologies for drawing upon those wet anologies all the time, but i think they best represent my mood and thoughts for now...

weather report: its been raining all sorts of domestic animals here in Tasmania, from rats to horses. my socks are never dry because of that.

i've been accused of cheating and breaching the student ordinances of my university because i brought in a suppsoedly "annoted" synopsys of the examined subject - Criminal Law.

sounds pretty absurd doesnt it? cheating in a criminal law exam... its like having a threesome in a churches confession box. okay bad metaphor, just ignore it.

here i am, im front of the computer in the IS laboratory, awaiting my fate as i have an appointment with Professor Chalmers - Dean of Law Faculty... i've been here waiting for the past 2 hours.

in this past 2 hours I...

-finally caught up with my contract law lectures on what is Illegality, tricky bugger it is...
-managed to browse through friendster and drop all my closest friends a short message
-tried to find out why the dents on my skin caused my prolonged pressure does not recover in the short time i imagined
-read up the types of symptoms for each type of nutrient difficiency
-checked all the mailboxes i could possibly check
-read up on
-read kennysia, xiaxue and timothytiah's blogs...

it is now 3:00pm

to come to think about it, thats alot done, considering my Illegality topic is now clearer to me.
what i dread most, is after 330pm this afternoon, is suddenly having even more time at my hands... because...

i've considered the top 3 worst-case scenarios if the Dean has deemed that i was indeed cheating in the exam.

starting from the least shit one is
3. fail my paper. which isnt that hard to take because i probably already failed it anyway
2. expell me from the university
1. expell me from the university then blacklisting my visa so i could not return to Australia as a student anytime soon.

if cases 2 or 1 is confirmed, then suddenly i will have all the time to do all i did in the past 2 hours...

it is now 3:05pm...

maybe i'll linger around here for a few minutes more... law faculty is just next door... wont take too long to find, locate and walk to the dean's office anyway.
bah 3:06....

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Internet...

most of you wouldve come across essay assignments with topics like "the uses of the internet..." and the likes throughout your academic life, and i bet, most of you wouldve written really positive things about the internet, like how it circulates ideas, is a global forum for different point of views to come together, a wealth of a communication platform etc..

but for once i would like to be asked this question:

"what is the internet not meant to be?"

i bet the singlemost misused "item" or rather its contents in the world today, is the internet... along side the Bible and to Quran.

During this recent holiday, i have visisted countless forums and discussion boards alike, be it political, scientific or trivial, they all share one common trait; it is full of hate.

everytime i visit a forum, there is bitching thrown across the floor. people go full on on other people's comments and perspectives. it is because of this reason that i have stopped going onto wow forums since a long time ago.

Youtube was my next most entertainment related visisted site. almost everytime, (no wait, forget about quantifying my words), EVERYTIME i post a comment on any video, id get a hate-reply...

the world is a much angrier place with the internet.

another thing that disturbs me is the literacy rate of.... the world basically, or at least places in the world where people could enjoy the facilities enabled by the internet. most of the posts (and i mean a rough estimate of an unhealthy 85%) have poor grammar (poor being an understatement) and are very ill-thought. spelling mistakes deliberate or the participants cant help it im not sure, goes off into the uncharted territories of "english-language-crits-you-for-9999-damage-land".

now i know some people cant be bothered with correct spelling 100% of the time, as you can see i dont bother double checking my blog posts for "minor" spelling mistakes such as "liek" and/or "proffesor". American/British variations like "color" and "colour" are alright. but some mistakes like "ariter" for "arbiter", "relise" for "release" is...unforgivable.

capital letters are not essential in my book for obvious reasons :) but if you write something with it, i must say i am impressed by your conviction to maintain convention and it really adds to the credibility of what you have to say.

Youtube, Frienster, Myspace and a few other "forums" harbour alot of people with the aforementioned traits.

i reasonably believe, that this is a serious sociological issue authorities have to pay attention to, before this matter gets way out of hand.

heres a toast, to the wonderful internet.

cheers fellow surfers.

some posts or replies, dont make logical sense at all. my attempts of deciphering the text proved to be futile.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Willow and I

Weeping Willow don’t weep alone.
For we hear the same melancholic tone,
We both had the same illusion of choice,
We both heard the same tortured voice.

People exploit your warm shadow,
When the autumn winds linger and mellow.
In your cooling shade do they dwell,
When the Eye in Heaven burns like Hell.

But once their woes have passed,
No matter how meek or vast,
They quickly abandon your flanks
Without gratitude, without thanks.

I walked in depression, under you one night,
My mind hung blank- without a light.
You cast one arm to touch my head
I felt your comfort without a word being said

Weak ones hide in your orifice
Weeping willow, you put yourself as sacrifice.
So others may benefit and flourish,
So others may gain sustenance and be nourished.

Weeping Willow I hear your cry,
You live to serve till the day you die.
Others may come and go as they may,
But with you I’m here to stay.

Weeping Willow don’t weep alone,
There are places in the world that are for our own.