Stay Thru the credits...
Yes the title of this post provides ample warning.. there are gonna be spoilers in this post, heck ima turn the movie inside out and upside down, so if you havent watched it..please move along
now let us begin...
i love movies that have a title that has no very obvious correlations with the movie itself, like..."Secret Window", or "SAW", "The Butterfly Effect", "V For Vendetta".. when the title has little to reference from the contents of the movie..
but i ABSOLUTELY hate it when the title opposes the contents. prime example : FINAL FANTASY... its never final.. X3- Last Stand is no exception.
the show has left SO many un-dreaded ends they can sneak in X4 or even 5. which gets old after 3 episodes. 3, is the limit for alot of things...the fun factor of anything going beyond 3 is questionable.
usually the 3rd installment to a movie is the best as well. take LotR (if you dont know what this stands for you can do the world a favour by swallowing gasoline and a match), Matrix : Revolution, Even MI:3...sadly X3 didnt meet the glory of its predecessors.
the "cure" demonstrated its immediate effectiveness on Mystique and so many other mutants, but right at the end, Magneto pushes a chess piece with his "powers"..the peice looked like plastic to me tho,
so could it be? Magneto has gained a new power? manipulate plastic? hey its fairly possible, considering the fact they messed around with the X-Men lore so much already..
they talk about open Warfare... they say "if its war they want, its war they'll get"... i say "what war?"
the scale of the fights was so badly choreographed and written it was a YaWn*... it was "kiddy-fied".. there wasnt a spec of blood to be seen in the entire movie, except for Wolverine gettn haxxed abit here more than an ounce. the battles were small scaled skirmishes with nothing spectacular spectacular..
not to say that i condone violence, its just so.... *loses steam* you get what i mean?
even the highly anticipated Iceman Vs Pyro scene... omg i get friggin steamed when i talk about this...
can you believe it!? all they friggin did was stand at 1 spot and haduken-ed each other. the "fight" lasted about 12 seconds and ended with a head butt.
i was very exicited when they showed us the danger-room...FINAlly, but even that was too brief...
they also showed us the shoulder lights, and the severed head of a sentinel.. (wtf) when they said "Last Stand" i thought they were going to go all out..
they didnt show us the "true" form of Jean Grey's Pheonix as well.the one they dared show in X2.
how the hell did Scott die? but no remorse, he was a wank anyway.
But waht really killed this movie for me, was the spoilers =/ goddamn you idiots posting scenes from the movie as an msn personal message... it was an X2 repeat for me where some wank columnist wrote scenes from the movie without warning the reader of its spoilers.
what could the title for X4 be? (id bet my left scrotum there will be one)
- The Final Last Stand? (oh please god no)
- The Return of Magneto?
oh i know!
- Magneto Strikes Back!
Or how about plain ol "X-men Four"? with the Fantastic Four making surprise appearances!
but the movie wasnt a total loss...there was some awesome display of mutant powers. those that make you say "wow!" and "cool!" "awesome!"
they also snuck in some quality jokes..healthy blend of slapstick and the non-slapstick ones :p
there are also quite a few memorable quotes for the X-men series...from X2, my favourite was ..
"You are a god among insects, dont let anyone tell you otherwise"
from X3
"Do you want to control it? or let IT control you"
"The pawns go first" (ive noticed that the Xmen triology constantly references chess)
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
with that said...
"There is no greater Spoil to a movie than Spoilers themselves"